The file below is the Site Options and Assessment - Draft Report, part of the Neighbourhood Plan.
This will be discussed at the Parish Assembly on May 11th to inform the direction of travel to be taken by the Parish Council in considering the potential sites and types of development.
Great Staughton Parish Council
Annual Parish Assembly
Thursday, 11th May 2023
7.30pm in the Village Hall
This meeting will consider aspects of the Neighbourhood plan and how it affects the village. A number of documents and issues will be discussed.
The call for suitable sites for development is one of these issues and attached is the results of the work that AECOM have undertaken on our behalf. The meeting will consider the conclusions of the report and will be asked to comment on its preferences.
NP 1 Brook Farm
We would work around the Oak tree on the site that has a TPO. We would seek to respect the views of the village from the footpath by the river and the countryside in general through sensitive design and collaboration with the local community. We also think that a good mixed use development on this central site would be of general benefit to the village and would significantly improve the visual impact of this brownfield site currently in industrial/retail use.
NP4 South of 29 The Green
From discussions with UK Power Networks, I understand that the transformer unit could be moved to accommodate development on the site.
NP 5 Cage Lane between Averyhill and number 20.
We have reviewed the report and note the only possible constraint is the need to take account of the potential for protected species in the boundary hedging. Aside from this the site is considered suitable for low density residential development across the site.
To assess this constraint we would propose to undertake a preliminary ecological assessment to understand the baseline conditions at the site and mitigate as appropriate.
NP 7 Perry Rd to North of allotments.
Access is possible at present through a main front gate width approximately 5 metres.
The site access can be easily be widened for desired vehicle access to perform such duties as:
1. Trimming back hedgerow
2. Clearing the site
3. Building and construction
To minimise the impact of a new housing development on the allotments on the western side of the plot, and on the surrounding countryside on the other aspects, we feel that the folllowing measures could be taken:
1. The perimeter hedges could be trimmed back, leaving a couple feet in situ for screening.
2. Fences could be erected inside the perimeter at the required height.
3. If the houses were situated on the right side of the plot, they would be well away from the allotments.
This would be similar to the Jewell Close development site opposite to our plot where mature hedgerow and trees to the rear of the properties facing countryside, have been trimmed back accordingly and fences erected.
The mature trees mentioned in the site assessment are on the outer boundaries of the plot, so could remain in place without causing an obstruction.
With the plot being opposite to Jewell Close, the water mains and electricity are already in accessible points.
Access to the plot from the B661 is uninhibited.
Our family has been part of the village for over 60 years, spanning 3 generations and still living in the village. It is our duty not to spoil the aesthetics of the village. We have been very impressed by the appropriate design of Jewell Close.
The site would be available immediately and we will work with the authorities to move things forward in the manner that best suits.
NP8 The Green
In terms of the HDC request for measures that could be taken to overcome identified constraints for NP8 -
Page 69 - May need to relocate power lines to create access.
Power lines are the same height as found with the recent new development (12 properties) close to NP8. Power lines here have not had to be relocated for the development to take place. There are no poles restricting access to the site.