Please see information below and attached on the Care Micro-Enterprises that the County Council support to help adults requiring holistic homecare as well as personalised care across Huntingdonshire.
Wood Green:
We would like to thank our wonderful colleagues at Wood Green who facilitated a fabulous Pet First Aid Course a couple of weeks ago. It was great fun and the staff from Starline Care Services and Kempshire Care can now add that training to the list of services they offer! So, if you come across anyone that may need a little support with their pets (i.e. they may have just been discharged from hospital and could do with some dog walking support for a few weeks, or they may need someone to take their cat to the vets etc….) you know who to call.
I would also like to share the exciting news that two more Care Micro Enterprises have joined the Initiative in Hunts, so we are now up to 14!
RP Helping Handz – Rachel Pearce : A very experienced Sole Trader supporting with Personal Care around Huntingdon and surrounding areas. As Rachel lives in lives in Fenstanton she also supports across the District Lines of Longstanton,Over, Swavesey, Willingham and Cottenham.
Everycare Homecare Ltd – Carol Moore : A small experienced Limited Holistic Homecare Company working across Huntingdonshire. Also supports with their Deep Cleaning Service.