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Great Staughton and its people by Anthony Withers, Chapter 24

2000 Years of English History.

This book is about the remarkable people from this modest Huntingdonshire village who, over the past two millennia of England’s history, exercised power and influence both locally and on the national stage. The book gives a detailed biography of each of these characters, setting their lives in the wider context of English history from the time of the Romans to the present day.

An introduction to Chapter 24: Fanny Duberly: forgotten heroine of the Crimea

The next two chapters of the book tell the remarkable story of an extraordinary country lady who rejected the life of Victorian respectability to join her husband as his regiment were drafted first to the Crimean theatre of war and subsequently to India to mop up the remnants of the Indian Mutiny.

Book progress

The book is coming along well. Mary, my editor/designer has formatted the book after numerous author amendments and deletions so we now have something approaching the final version. No doubt there will be more minor changes before the definitive version is established. Current focus is on illustrations and obtaining permission to use photos or paintings. I have finally succeeded after much effort with payment in securing permission to use an image of the will of Ælfhelm Polga which is held by the British Library. The next step is to obtain permission from the National Portrait Gallery for the use of various pictures. The cover is being designed as we speak and artist Simon has also produced an excellent map of Great Staughton showing the village’s principal features. More news in due course.

Feedback is welcome:

NEXT WEEK: Chapter 25: The Rajpootana Column

The next chapter of the book will be uploaded to the website on Monday March 6

Click the PDF below to read Chapter 24.

Fanny and Henry Duberly in the Crimea
Fanny and Henry Duberly in the Crimea

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