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Great Staughton and its people by Anthony Withers, Chapter 25

2000 Years of English History.

This book is about the remarkable people from this modest Huntingdonshire village who, over the past two millennia of England’s history, exercised power and influence both locally and on the national stage. The book gives a detailed biography of each of these characters, setting their lives in the wider context of English history from the time of the Romans to the present day.

An introduction to Chapter 25: The Rajpootana Column

Barely eighteen months after returning from the horrors of the Crimea, the Duberlys found themselves in an entirely different theatre of war, when Henry Duberly’s regiment was posted to India to mop up the remnants of the Indian Mutiny. The mission proved a frustrating one for Fanny who documented an exhausting 2,000 mile route march in pursuit of an elusive, brilliantly led guerrilla army. The contrast between the brutal pitched battles of the Crimea and the hit-and-run tactics of the insurgents could not be more stark. As with her Crimean Journal, Fanny offers an acerbic analysis of the shortcomings of the army generals.

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NEXT WEEK: Chapter 26: Rev. Wilson clashes with John Henry Newman

The next chapter of the book will be uploaded to the website on Monday March 13

Click the PDF below to read Chapter 25.



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