Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Great Staughton CLT held on Tuesday, 14th September at 8pm
Present: Board members - JD, EB, FB, BJ, NJ, HG, JP, JP, TS
CLT members – Mervyn Young, Tania Jenkins
Apologies: TS, PY, Ian Taylor, Mr and Mrs Sturgeon
1. Welcome and opening remarks by the Chairman Bob Jewell who was pleased we are now able to meet in person rather than via zoom.
2. Apologies for absence - see above
3. Declaration of Board Member Interests – there were none reported.
4. The meeting agreed the minutes of the Annual General Meeting that took place on 14 September 2020
5. Chairman’s year-end report and presentation of the CLT accounts to March 2021 (the report and accounts are attached to these minutes) – BJ reported that the leases were now signed off and planning permission was completed in late July. Since the last meeting there had been lots of argument about the s106. Thanks to Tracey Stokes’ perseverance we managed to insist that our wording was included. The next stage is for the monies to be transferred to the CLT and Parish Charities. BJ wished to convey his thanks to Tracey Stokes and Frank Backhouse for all their efforts in the negotiations.
Finances: BJ asked the meeting to formally accept the accounts, which had been previously circulated by email. JP proposed and FB seconded. All those present agreed. £9350 had already been repaid to the GSPC. There is a further sum of £817.96 that needs to be repaid to GSPC – all agreed. The only other expenses will be the CLT insurance, room rent for the pavilion and JR hours i.e. ongoing costs for administration.
6. Status and update on Affordable Housing Project – BJ met with Chorus and Aspen Homes today. The footpath through the field will need a Closure Order, which has been applied for. The footpath will be closed for 6 months. It is hoped that building will commence on 20 September. BJ also reported that there are some issues with a BT cable and this needs to be moved. The contractors do need proof all the planning conditions have been met before they will commence work. The build period has been estimated at 12 months. Aspen Homes will use the village hall carpark to minimise disruption in the village. They will also produce monthly bulletins which we will put on the village website. Chorus has informed BJ that they will want to market the shared ownership properties first – they may want to sell off plan. The CLT do not have a formal role as far as the build is concerned but will be kept in the loop. BJ confirmed that the properties will have heat pumps, EV charging points and swift bricks. All the rental properties will be let together once all the properties have been built.
7. Helen Glanville, Three Village Heat Scheme – HG reported that the project is technically feasible but not economically viable. If the country is to become net zero by 2050 then economically viable options need to be found. The group are trying to find a solution.
8. Nominations for new CLT Board Member – none were received.
9. Any other business - potential future projects were discussed. One option may be a biomass energy source. This could be another project for the CLT in the future.
10. Date of next AGM – 13th September 2022 at 8pm
Meeting closed 8.45pm