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Great Staughton Parish Council Annual Parish Assembly Thursday, 25th April 2024 7.30pm in the Village Hall

Draft Minutes

Parish Councillors present: Bob Jewell (BJ), Nicole Yates (NY), Helen Hopperton (HH), David

Moore (DM), Helen Glanville (HG), James Duberly (JD)

1. Apologies for absence

Councillors Will Mumford, Lorraine Goody, Giles Brittain. Rev N. Bland.

2. Chairman's welcome and review of 2023/ 24

Bob Jewell welcomed everyone to the meeting. The Parish Assembly was a communication

exercise so the parishioners can let the parish council know what they would like us to do

and for the parish council to let the parish know what they have done and are planning to

do. See attached the chair's review of 2023/24. There have been no changes in the parish

council membership. BJ wanted to pass on his thanks to Phil Yates who has kept the

village neat and tidy. There have been lots of successes this year. The Neighbourhood

Plan has been progressed and the PC have been heavily involved in road safety issues. A

planning application on The Moor has been refused. BJ thanked Nicole Yates and Will

Mumford and all who took part in the annual litter pick. The village pavilion has been

refurbished, as has the village hall. The play equipment has also been updated.

There is lots to do in 2024/25. A CCC LHi bid has been submitted for road safety road

markings and lighting around The Green. There will be more speed signs with solar panels

and work will continue on the Neighbourhood Plan. The new 20mph scheme will also be

introduced this year. BJ also wanted to record his thanks to Nicole Yates for all her help as

vice chair.

3. Parish Accounts

• Parish Council - Bob Jewell - see attached. Precept has been kept at the same rate

of £22k. There have been the usual annual ongoing expenses of village maintenance

etc as well as one off expenditure for the LHI Bid. At the end of 2023, the PC paid for

the streetlights upgrade of £8k and new playing field equipment of £7.5k. Reserves

have therefore reduced from £45k to £34k. If there is major one-off expenditure in

the future then the precept may need to be increased. The PC is just about meeting

its ongoing expenditure.

• Playing Field - Nicole Yates presented the accounts as Giles Brittain was unable to

attend this evening - see attached accounts. The highlights were:

£6000.00 donation from the Friendship Club enabled us to carry out much needed

replacement of the kitchen and Kitchenette.

£8823.22 spent to replace all windows and doors. Work conducted by ACH Windows

£8094.54 spent in total to upgrade the kitchen, lighting, and other aspects of the


Other expenditure was for the general running of the Pavilion.

£830.00 Income from Clubs, Parties and use of the Pavilion and Field (some invoices

still to be paid)

Money in Bank as of 1st April 2024

Income for 23/24

Expenditure for 23/24 •




• Parish Charities - Eileen Gilbert - see attached accounts. Local people can apply for a

grant for education and knowledge purposes. Eileen announced she is resigning as

clerk and that Claire Moore is replacing her. BJ thanked Eileen for all of her hard

work over the last 17 years.

• Village Hall - Helen Glanville - see attached accounts.

• 'Life' Magazine - Helen Glanville - see attached accounts. Income has increased a lot

since going quarterly. Printing costs have halved. Thanks to Shaun Prince and Rob

Young for all their hard work over the years.

• Community Land Trust - Bob Jewell - see attached accounts. The CL T has no income

and so needs to find a funding stream.

4. Neighbourhood Plan Update

See attached report prepared by Bob Jewell. The two sites under consideration are Brook

Farm and 29 The Green.

5. Road safety and the 20mph scheme

See attached report prepared by Bob Jewell. There has been a delay to the new MVAS

signs and road markings. The PC have been chasing Highways for this work to be

completed. A resident raised the issue of parking om The Highway. Vehicles are parking

illegally and it is dangerous. The PC are sympathetic to this issue but the police need to

enforce. It is hoped that by moving the doctors surgery this will alleviate the problem but

it is appreciated that this is a long term solution. The issue raised will be discussed at the

next parish council meeting though.

6. East Park Energy Scheme

See attached report .. The Statutory Consultation will start in July 2024.

7. Reports from County & District Councillors

See attached reports.

8. Reports from the School, Church, and other local societies

The Church reported that they have lots of activities for the community. There is a men's

breakfast club, Family Fun, Coffee Mornings and the Good Friday Walk.

The Horticultural Society have a plant sale on May Bank Holiday and the show on the

August Bank holiday. They are always looking for new members to join. They meet 5

times per year.

9. Parish matters:

Any issues parishioners wish to raise.

To be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting in May:

Dog bins - can any dog bins be added to the village. There used to be one on Lovers

Lane. Problem is that HDC will not empty a parish bin.

Blocked drains - top end of Beachampstead and at Red House Corner.

Soldier silhouette-a parishioner has requested this. There needs to be a discussion where

this is placed.

Chair's Report

There have been no changes to elected Parish Councillors in the year.

I hope you agree the village has continued to look neat and tidy and we thank Phil

Yates for his work in this regard.

The Parish Council has continued to progress specific matters over the last year.

Some items are specifically on the agenda tonight and so I shall not dwell on these

but I will include them as areas of progress. Certainly the NP and road safety have a

significant amount of time.

Neighbourhood plan Consultation under Reg 14 completed.

Some planning issues discussed reached a conclusion most notably on the Moor.

Another Litter pick completed

Pavilion significantly refurbished

Village Hall improved.

Playing field play area improved.

Holiday activities for children on the Playing Field

Response to Solar farm proposals.

Gigaclear connections

Plans for New Year

LHI bid 2024/25 for new road safety and lighting marking around the crossing.

Grant application made to National Power for more MVAS signs and solar panels.

Holiday activities for children on the Playing Field.


Traffic issues 20mph limit.

Finally I would like to say thank you firstly to Nicole my Vice Chair who has been a

great support. and also to Jo the clerk who has provided the incredibly important

admin for the Council in a most competent way.

See below document to view attachments and more info.

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