Every 4 years Parish Councils are subject to elections. There are 9 Parish Councillor positions in Great Staughton available for election.
Many, but not probably all, of the existing Parish Councillors will stand for re-election. This is the opportunity for anyone with an interest in the Parish and a desire to influence the future to become a Parish Councillor.
It requires attendance at about 7 meetings a year as well as perhaps a particular interest in an aspect of Parish life e.g. the playing Field, or Village Hall.
The Parish Council would welcome new Councillors, we are fortunate in having better representation from both sexes and a younger profile than many other Parishes, but we would want to maintain and improve this balance and strengthen representation from younger age groups.
If you are interested and would like any more information, please contact me
Jo Russel, clerk gtstaughtonparishclerk@outlook.com or any of the existing Parish Councillors all of whom are shown on Page 5 of the magazine.
Anyone who is interested should be aware they will have to complete the necessary forms by early April.