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Hail Weston Gardening group 2023

Generally we meet the 1st Tuesday of the month in Hail Weston Village hall at 7:15 for 7:30.

Next meeting; Tuesday 4th April - Our meeting in April will be at 7.30 in the Hail Weston Village Hall. “A Year in the Garden at Horseshoe Farm” by Neil Callan. A fully illustrated talk about a year in this garden which was created from scratch and now opens under the National Garden Scheme. Tea/Coffee/wine are available for a donation and we will have a raffle. Membership is £7.00 per year and each talk is then £1.00 for members or £3.00 for visitors.

2023 Programme

With a few exceptions the cost of events will be £1 for members and £3 for non-members.

February 7,

7.30pm, Village Hall

Every Picture Tells a Story, Alan Goodger

We will see some wonderful wildlife photographs

March 7

7.30pm, Village Hall

No Dig Gardening, Russell Attwood

Learning about ‘no-dig’ principles to aid the environment, condition of your soil and cut down on weeding!

April 4,

7.30pm, Village Hall

A Year in the Garden at Horseshoe Farm, Neil Callam

A fully illustrated talk about a year in this garden which was created from scratch and now opens under the NGS.

May 2,

7.30pm, Village Hall

Cambridge Lavender, Danielle Bluff

All things lavender: growing, propagating, harvesting, pruning and the ancient process of how to produce essential oils.

June 9,

Garden Safari, Details TBC

Our very popular tour of beautiful Hail Weston Gardens

July 4,

7.30pm, Village Hall

Our ‘Good Life’ at Puddle Paddock, Sue Stephenson

An acre of land with animals and plants in abundance. The ‘good life ‘ it really is but the reality is a bit more amusing!

August 1,


£10 per person

Visit to two Staploe Gardens

The gardens are opening for a private viewing for us in aid of NGS. Refreshments will be included.

September 5,

Hedgehogs, Suzanne Tibbits (Hartford Hedgehog Rescue)

Learn about these complex little creatures and the important work that Suzanne does to help them.

October 3,

Paxton Nature Reserve, Matt Hall

Ranger Matt will give a talk about the nature reserve.

November 7,

7,30pm, Village Hall

Christmas Wreaths and Decorations, Heather Northeast

A demonstration and top tips for festive wreaths and decorations

December 5,

7.30pm, Village Hall

Christmas Jolly

Details TBC

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