Why create yet another flood advice document?
Well after spending months travelling around the Huntingdonshire Parishes and Towns, gathering information on where you live, it became quite evident that the risk of flooding is one of the greatest concerns for many places, especially after the wet weather experienced last winter.
From the places that have already built up great networks, to the ones that are purely in the planning stage, to everyone in between, this document has been created to share, showcase and pass on helpful information. If you are daunted by the prospect of where to begin such a mammoth task, this document may help.
Obviously, best case scenario, the cause of the flooding is rectified by the authorities, but this can take time. Plus, some flooding will unfortunately always happen without warning, particularly in heavy rainfall where there may be flooding in areas that have never flooded before. Remember, flooding does not always come from rivers and the sea. You must also consider risks posed by surface water, groundwater, sewers and other operation failures. We would encourage All Parishes to have a form of Flood Risk Planning.
Download the document below.
According to the Environment Agency, over five million people in England live and work in properties at risk of flooding from rivers or the sea, whilst more face flood threats from groundwater, surface water, sewers, and reservoirs. At Gocompare, we have put together a guide to preparing for a flood and protecting your property -https://www.gocompare.com/home-insurance/limiting-flood-risk-and-damage/