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Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council meeting held on 13th October 2022 – 7.30pm

Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council Meeting

held on 13 October 2022 – 7.30pm


B Jewell (BJ). H Glanville (HG) W Mumford (WM).

N Yates (NY) H Hopperton (HH) D Moore (DM)

J Duberly (JD) G Brittain (GB).

Jo Russel (Clerk). Ian Gardener (IG). Stephen Cawley (SC)

1. Apologies for absence - Lorraine Goody

2. Residents’ Forum

3. Declarations of interest – BJ – 12 The Highway Planning application

4. Reports from District and County Councillors –

IG – reported on a number of matters on the agenda:

He met the Highways Officer to discuss the potholes in Green Lane and they will be looked at again. The white lines on the pedestrian crossing have now been painted but the poles still need repainting. IG will chase.

The Ting Bus is now going to be operating for additional hours - 6am to 8pm Monday to Saturday.

LHI Bid - applications can be submitted from 31 October to January 2023 with the Panel meeting in May 2023. There has been a 13% cut in the money available and applications will be divided into complex and non-complex schemes. Speed limits will come under complex schemes.

Greater Cambridgeshire Partnership are consulting on introducing a Congestion Charge in Cambridge. There are no current plans for rural villages to be connected to the bus schemes which means people would need to drive into St Neots to catch a bus. It is important that people complete the consultation to highlight concerns.

Footpath 40 – CCC cannot recruit for the footpath officer role – no candidates. IG will ask George Hay the Enforcement Officer to look at this issue. HH offered to visit the site with George Hay.

20 MPH speed Limit in Dillington – CCC are still looking into this scheme for funding but it’s unlikely to be in operation before January 2023. These can no longer be included in an LHI Bid .

Stephen Cawley – Master Plan for Market Towns are still available to comment on. A Good Life Fund has been set up for people wishing to set up book clubs, craft clubs etc. There is also assistance available for people who need help with bin collection – they can apply via the HDC website.

5. Minutes of the meetings held on 30 June and 8 September 2022 approved.

6. Matters arising:

  1. Green Close potholes – IG will look at these again with the HWO

  2. Tree in Moory Croft – this will be planted in November

  3. Blocked footpath near 5 Acres Salvage yard – see above

  4. Replacement of streetlights - CIL application was not successful. We need to discuss at the next meeting which streetlights need to be replaced, which the PC will now need to fund.

  5. New machinery - now purchased

  6. Grass cutting standardisation – BJ has identified each of the areas which HDC, GSPC and CCC are responsible for cutting. It is more economical if one authority cuts all of the grass areas. This will improve efficiency. HDC can bid for the whole lot or we could ask another contractor to do it.

  7. Holiday activities for kids – approach One Leisure to obtain more details about this. Other parishes will raise at their next meetings.

7. Attendance at other meetings – n/a

8. Highways

  1. LHI bid 21/22 - things are moving along. BJ has dealt with the emails regarding this issue.

  2. Potential bids for LHI 22/33 to be discussed in November

  3. Pedestrian crossing – see above

  4. Blocked drains Green Lane and The Green/The Highway – these have silted up again but the Highways Officer has agreed to clear again. IG will chase.

  5. Blocked public highway in Perry – needs to wait for the new Footpath Officer to be appointed

  6. New footpath from Dillington to The Green - IG will find out which officer is responsible for this. CIL application is possible.

  7. Motorbikes – will ask for the police to attend the Parish Assembly

  8. 20mph Speed limit Dillington – still waiting for details of the CCC scheme

9. Planning

  1. Staughton Moor planning enforcement – monthly updates from HDC/CCC –

  2. 21/01016/FUL – Little America, Moor Road – 8 business units – objections have been sent to HDC. Not determined yet SC will find out if there is an update. New officer has been allocated

  3. Wyboston Garden Village – ongoing

  4. 21/02698/CLED – The Cook House, 14 Little America - objections sent to HDC – refused in June 2022

  5. Appeal Against Enforcement Notice 21/00092/ENUCO – 11 Little America, Forestry Fuels – 53-week time frame to deal with this

  6. 22/01813/FUL – Solar Farm, Kimbolton Road, Hail Weston – comments raised regarding the hedge screening and lighting. Clerk will raise queries.

  7. 22/01923/HHFUL and 22/001173 HHFUL – demolish garage and replace with two storey extension. Plans now submitted for a one storey extension only now.

10. Cashbook – reviewed and approved.

Expenditure £

J Russel 438.25

CH Brown & Sons 711.43

Bradgate 235.20

P Yates BACS 94.50

DJ Hoenig 272.00

J Russel BACS 438.45

Alderman Roof. 2,976.00

Bradgate. 235.20

SLCC 98.00

Floor Transform. 3,960.00

CCC 1,100.00

J Russel 438.25

J Russel 47.94

Bradgate 117.60

P Yates BACS 63.00

Red Shoes 46.80

J Duberly 10.00

Online Designs 600.00

CAS Ltd BACS 851.20

J Russel BACS 438.45

Income £5782.00 £6 Jubilee contribution, £5776 reimbursement from Village Hall - work to floor

Bank accounts

Community Account £30,101.79 Business Tracker Account £21652.97

11. Correspondence - bus shelter – we will try to find a contractor to clean this. Have also asked SC to see who HDC uses. John Bashford has requested that the village trees are looked at to see if they need pruning. As they are CCC trees it is their responsibility and unfortunately they do not have funds at present to undertake this work. Another resident has raised an issue about a tree in Beachampstead Road. BJ will speak to her about this.

12. Affordable housing update – the housing application stage is well underway. There are lots of applicants for the rental properties but less for the shared ownership properties.

13. Three Villages Sustainable Heat Scheme update – no update

14. Neighbourhood Plan - BJ has circulated various documents regarding the plan. Once completed the plan will go to a parish referendum. There has been a call for sites for resulted in a good few sites being suggested.

15. Reports from:

  1. Village Hall Committee – HG - the new floor is now complete. The kitchen will be refitted next. They have quotes. Bookings are very busy.

  2. Playing Field Committee – still looking at repair quotes. AGM is on 24 November. The plaque is being repaired as it had been vandalised.

  3. Speed Watch – no report

  4. Village Hub - no report

16. Parish Matters - WM reported that the Parish Charities clerk has complained to him that the clerk had not told her about parish councillor (JD) being appointed to the committee. GB noted that the speed sign was not working. This was due to DM being injured and being unable to fix it at present. Discussed cost of a solar panel and perhaps an additional speed sign. DM will investigate. GB also raised the benches on the playing field and The Highway. PF committee will deal with the playing field one. GB will talk to the family regarding the bench on The Highway.

DM spoke about Piglets Pre-school closing down. Many children now attend the preschool at the Primary school and numbers are very low as a result. Piglets will need to close as a result. There is an EGM next week to discuss this. The PC thanked DM for all of his hard work in relation to Piglets for which they are very grateful.

16. Next meeting – 10 November

Meeting closed 9.45pm

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