Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council Meeting
held on 30 June 2022 – 7.30pm
B Jewell (BJ). H Glanville (HG)
N Yates (NY) L Goody (LG). H Hopperton (HH)
J Duberly (JD) G Brittain (GB). D Moore (DM)
Jo Russel (Clerk). Ian Gardener (IG). Stephen Cawley (SC)
1. Apologies for absence - W Mumford (WM).
2. Residents’ Forum – James Davison 69 The Highway re planning application - there were no comments or objections.
3. County Broadband talk - Jeremy Klimcke. They are an internet service provider and have been for 19 years. The copper network that is in place currently used to work fantastically but now simply doesn't meet the demand. They therefore build fibre networks and they specialise in rural areas as these are very seldom prioritised by the likes of BT. Before they build a network, they first need to ascertain demand. The first year from connection the network will be free of charge and then they hope to sell the network to a third-party provider who will then charge a monthly fee. In order to build the network, they need to have at least a 25 % uptake in the village and they confirmed that the network would cover The Town and Dillington, essentially any property within the parish boundary. They confirmed that BT Openreach have no plans for fibre to be installed in Great Staughton any time soon. They would look to build a fibre network within a year to 18-month timescale . By the end of October, they would need to have achieved a 25 % uptake in the village in order to take matters forward.
4. Declarations of interest – n/a
5. Reports from District and County Councillors – SC reported that the £150 rebate letters are now being sent to those residents who do not pay by Direct Debit. He also informed the parish council that the CIL fund is now open for applications from Monday and the Combined Authority have circulated a transport survey. In addition, HDC are running a program for those residents who have a BMI of more than 2. It is a 12-week program to help them with healthy eating and to lose weight.
IG – reported on a number of matters on the agenda:
Footpath 40 – he is still waiting for an update as the new Rights of Way Officer has still not been appointed. There is currently one officer for the whole of Cambridgeshire.
20 MPH speed Limit in Dillington – he has heard nothing further regarding the 20mph grant scheme as the person at CCC has left. They are very short staffed at present and so there will be a delay. There is a possibility of proceeding under the LHI scheme though and he will look into this. CIL funding could also be a possibility.
Shire Hall is now open and he wanted to flag up the Household Support Grant which can also help pensioners and anyone on benefits.
6. Minutes of the meeting held on 19 May 2022 – amended and approved.
7. Matters arising:
Green Close potholes – IG will chase
Tree in Moory Croft – IG will chase but the tree will need to be planted during the planting season
Pavilion Repairs – GB is still chasing quotes – remove item from agenda.
Blocked footpath near 5 Acres Salvage yard – waiting for the new footpath officer to be appointed (see above)
Drainage in New Development – condition 7 is discharged now
Parish Charities Legal Costs – letter sent to Parish Charities and the matter can now be removed from the agenda
Replacement of streetlights – we have been quoted £8700 to fix all of the streetlights. BJ will make a CIL application.
DPI forms for HDC – outstanding forms to be forwarded to the clerk.
8. Attendance at other meetings – BJ attended the District Council Forum.
9. Highways
LHI bid 21/22 – invoice to be paid for our contribution once the invoice has been amended.
Blocked drains Green Lane and The Green/The Highway – these have silted up again but the Highways Officer has agreed to clear again. IG will chase.
Speed limits Dillington – IG will chase
Blocked public highway in Perry – see above
Footpath from Dillington to The Green- WM is dealing with this and has cut the path twice.
Motorbikes – email from HDC to say they cannot enforce. Send their email to PCSO for his comments.
Rerouting of footpath near new housing development – remove item from agenda
10. Planning
Staughton Moor planning enforcement – monthly updates from HDC/CCC
21/01016/FUL – Little America, Moor Road – 8 business units – objections have been sent to HDC. Not determined yet SC will find out if there is an update. A lorry recently crashed into HH’s field. HDC have been informed.
Wyboston Garden Village – ongoing
21/02698/CLED – The Cook House, 14 Little America - objections sent to HDC – matter ongoing and SC will chase for an update
Proposed Solar Farm on land to the south of High Wood – no formal application submitted yet. This relates to the existing solar farm being extended.
Appeal Against Enforcement Notice 21/00092/ENUCO – 11 Little America, Forestry Fuels – SC will chase for an update
22/00725/LBC 1 The Green - single storey extension – no comments/objections
22/00807/CLED Lawful development Certificate B2 for Car Repair consultation – 12 Little America Industrial Estate
22/01278/HHFUL 50 The Highway – brick up window
22/00746/HHFUL 69 The Highway – garage conversion
22/01198/HHFUL 9-11 The Town - alterations to listed building
22/01199/ 9-11 The Town - alterations to listed building
11. Cashbook – reviewed and approved.
Expenditure £1323.79
J Russel 438.45
HDC 162.58
P Yates 151.50
P Yates 65.86
Ward Signs 159.00
Bradgate 235.20
Red Shoes 46.80
HMRC 64.40
Income £50
Jubilee donation from Asmita Hynes - which the Parish Council is very grateful for
Bank accounts
Community Account £37492.06- Business Tracker Account £21,646.30
12. Correspondence - letter received from a resident raising various matters – pavements – CCC will not treat Green Close as a priority unfortunately but it is on the list to repair when funds allow, tree in Green Close - clerk will ask the tree warden to look at this. Overhanging hedge - BJ will put an advert in Life to ask people generally to consider if their hedges are obstructing the pavements. There was a paper copy of the Neighbourhood Plan available at the Parish Assembly and the Jubilee celebration in the village hall.
13. Affordable housing update – Condition 7 has now been determined and the project is progressing well. New completion date is January 2023.
14. Platinum Jubilee – the event was very successful and thanks to all who were involved.
15. Three Villages Sustainable Heat Scheme update – no update
16. Neighbourhood Plan – BJ is looking to HDC to provide assistance soon.
17. Reports from:
Village Hall Committee – HG - the floor is now being replaced and the hall will be shut for one week as a result.
Playing Field Committee – still looking at repair quotes. Committee has decided that the windows and doors will be replaced first.
Speed Watch – no report
Village Hub - no report
Parish Matters - GB reported that the sign near the school was damaged. BJ will look into this. BJ reported that a car had been abandoned in the village hall car park and that HDC had issued an Enforcement Notice.
18. Next meeting – 8 September, 10 November
Meeting closed 9.45pm
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