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Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council Annual General Meeting held on 6 July 2023 – 7.30pm

Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council Annual General Meeting

held on 6 July 2023 – 7.30pm


R Jewell (BJ) G Brittain (GB) L Goody (LG)

N Yates (NY) W Mumford (WM). H Glanville (HG)

David Moore (DM). J Duberly (JD)

J Russel – Clerk

1. Apologies for absence – Ian Gardener (IG), H Hopperton (HH), Stephen Cawley (SC)

2. Declarations of Interest – none

3. Resident’s Forum – Carla Young and other residents attended regarding the incident involving Carla’s young daughter and her nearly being hit by a speeding car on the pedestrian crossing. Carla had emailed the council on 4 July. She had a petition with 200 signatures requesting that a safe crossing be provided for the village. There has been a significant increase in people speeding through the village and it has become a rat run for commuters. Carla would like the PC to look at various possibilities including a 20mph speed limit being enforced, a raised crossing, pelican crossing, child crossing signs. IG has been notified and he has contacted Director of Highways at CCC to see what measures can be applied in the short and longer term. He will keep the PC in the loop with any recommendations. Carla also asked if the flashing lights on the crossing could be reinstated. The PC is addressing the issue of safe crossings in the village in the longer term by reviewing this in the Neighbourhood Plan but we also need to look at short term measures. We will need Highways permission for a raised crossing or a pelican crossing. These are very expensive but we can look at funding possibilities such as the LHi project. The PC only has a precept of £22k which is not sufficient to fund major works in the village. Therefore, we need to look at what can be done now to increase safety. We will need to speak to CCC to see what measures are possible. We have already applied for a grant re 20mph speed limit across most of the village but we are still awaiting news as to whether we have been successful. We need to be realistic as there is only funding available for 8 projects across Cambridgeshire

4. Reports from District and County Councillors - both councillors were attending a meeting at HDC regarding the Green Bin collection services. Written reports attached.

5. Minutes of the meeting held on 25 May 2023 – approved.

6. Matters arising:

  1. Blocked footpath (40) near 5 Acres Salvage yard – c/f

  2. Replacement of parish streetlights - this is not yet complete. Clerk will chase BB again. BB have sent an invoice but we shall not pay until work is complete.

  3. Holiday activities for kids – the matter is now resolved and HDC have confirmed the scheme will be going ahead.

  4. Gigaclear – They have confirmed that Fibre will be installed in Beachampstead but not all of it. Gigaclear have not carried work on The Highway, Cage Lane and The Town and at present have indicated that they do not intend to do so. Clerk will raise a further query. But this will be a commercial decision for them and we cannot force them to install Fibre in those areas.

  5. Alternative Land Management – HDC have confirmed that they are referring to the area in Beachampstead and the PC has no objection.

7. Attendance at other meetings – BJ attended the HDC Parish Forum. HDC has a template for a village welcome pack. Clerk will request this.

8. Highways

  1. Current LHI bid 23/24 – our bid has reached the second stage. This is for a MVAS sign and solar panel.

  2. Blocked drains – report The Green/The Highway again

  3. Blocked highway in Perry – see above re footpath officer

  4. Footpath from Dillington to The Green - the unbound path is the lower cost option. Still waiting for further info from CCC.

  5. 20mph speed limit – still waiting for the outcome of our application

  6. Speed Sign data – DM has data to show cars are travelling at 80/90mph. There are more cars travelling faster through the village which is very worrying. DM will submit the data.

  7. Recent near miss incident raised by Carla Young – this was discussed and the PC agreed that the following actions would be taken:

  • The hedges nearby need to be cut back

  • We need to investigate the crossing lights being put back on. Where is the key and who can operate this? Speak to CCC.

  • We need further signage to indicate children crossing

  • Speak to CCC about the cost of a raised crossing and a pelican crossing and then look at the possibility of a LHI Bid at the next meeting

9. Planning

  1. Staughton Moor planning enforcement – ongoing

  2. 21/01016/FUL – Little America, Moor Road – 8 business units

  3. Wyboston Garden Village/developments in Beds near A1 – ongoing.

  4. Appeal Against Enforcement Notice 21/00092/ENUCO – 11 Little America Industrial Estate

  5. 22/00807/CLED Lawful Development Certificate B2 for Car repair

  6. Appeal Consultation 22/00730/HHFUL and 22/00725/LBC – 1 The Green – single storey flat roof extension to rear

10. Cashbook – approved.

Current account £54,237.41

Business account £21,737.16

Expenditure: £

Bradgate 259.20

Arthur Ibbett 176.40

Jo Russel 459.85

The Business Printing 331.20

Kitchen Culture 1,401.00

J Russel 8.95

Red Shoes 46.80

Bradgate 259.20

Arthur Ibbett 351.36

J Russel 459.85

11. Correspondence - received a report that a footpath is blocked across Crown Farm. If the path is across a field then it is the landowner’s responsibility. Clerk will contact Crown Farm.

12. Affordable housing update – nothing to report

13. Three Villages Sustainable Heat Scheme update – no further report.

14. Reports from:

  1. Village Hall Committee – the hall is fully booked at present.

  2. Playing Field Committee – the new kitchen will be installed in August and then the pavilion will be decorated. We have also got a quote from Wicksteed to finish the playground. Question is how this will be funded. We have s106 money due. The quote will be held until October to enable us to look into funding the project.

  3. Speed Watch – no report.

15. Neighbourhood Plan – a draft plan has now been cicurated. However, we have not received the grant money yet. A decision was due on 1 April but will are still waiting. We have written to our MP, HDC but so far this has not proved helpful. We have received a grant of £10k so far and we have applied for a further £8k. At present will have no further funds left to pay the Consultant. Therefore, BJ asked the PC if it would consider funding the consultant at £1500 until September. It is important not to lose momentum or have our consultant move on to other work. All agreed to fund £1500.

16. Parish Matters - HG wanted to thank Phil Yates for trimming the birch trees.

Meeting dates for 2023 14 September, 9 November.

Meeting closed at 21.26



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