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Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council held on 19 January 2023 – 7.30pm

Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council

held on 19 January 2023 – 7.30pm


R Jewell (BJ) H Glanville (HG) G Brittain (GB)

N Yates (NY) L Goody (LG) W Mumford (WM)

David Moore (DM). J Duberly (JD)

Ian Gardener (IG) Stephen Cawley (SC)

J Russel - Clerk

1. Apologies for absence – Helen Hopperton

2. Resident’s Forum – None present

3. Declarations of Interest – None.

4. Reports from District and County Councillors


  • CCC are working on being able to accept bulky waste items at the recycling centre but if any items contain chemicals then they will need to go for incineration.

  • Great Gidding primary school may be closed due lack of numbers.

  • Ting Bus - there have been complaints about the app not working properly and buses not turning up when booked. IG is sending complaints to the Combined Authority.

  • Green Close potholes – IG will chase the Highways Officer.

  • Overhanging trees on The Highway – IG will chase up.

  • Drainage The Town – the drain is blocked and then overflowing and freezing on the roads which is causing cars to skid. The overflowing is a year-round problem. LG will provide IG with a map of where the drain is and report to CCC in the usual way.

  • Staughton Moor – the resident who has raised this issue has asked a barrister to advise regarding the legality of the continuation of use as a scrapyard but as of yet nothing has been received. CCC will update IG as soon as they hear anything further.

  • Still no response regarding Footpath 40 and he will chase the footpath officer once one is appointed.

  • The new scheme to apply for 20mph speed limits commences in February 2023. Details will be sent shortly.

  • Road Gritting – The Causeway up to the church had been gritted recently but it is believed that this was in error as it is a C road and not eligible. IG will see if he can get the road added to the gritting route as it is very dangerous once icy.

  • Footpath from Dillington to The Green – IG advised that we need to speak to the footpath officer John Munslow but he will check if that is the correct person to speak to.

  • GB asked if the Asbestos Service was being reinstated - IG will check this. JD reported the bridge fence on The Causeway is broken. He enquired as to whether this was the responsibility of CCC. IG will ask CCC.


  • The Huntingdon Local Plan is being reviewed and updated.

  • The Energy Bills Support Scheme is under review and he is awaiting final confirmation as to whether this will be extended.

  • HDC has secured £1.5 million of funding from the Prosperity Fund.

5. Minutes of the meeting held on 10 November 2022 – approved.

6. Matters arising:

  1. Green Close potholes – see above

  2. Tree in Moory Croft – c/f

  3. Blocked footpath (40) near 5 Acres Salvage yard – as above

  4. Replacement of parish streetlights – work has commenced

  5. Trees The Highway and Green Lane – CCC and HDC have been emailed asking them to deal with this issue

  6. Bus shelter – JR has tried to obtain a quote for works to overhaul the bus shelter but no one seems interested in doing the work unfortunately. We will ask PY to enquire with a local contractor to see if he is happy to do the work.

  7. Holiday activates for children - we will advertise on Facebook to see if there is any interest. All councillors thought it was a good idea in principal.

  8. Email from Asmita Hynes regarding 21/02698/CLED. She wanted the PC to clarify that this application was withdrawn and not refused by HDC.

  9. Drainage The Town - see above

7. Attendance at other meetings – WM attended the PCC Roundtable meeting. The general feeling was that people in rural communities were not happy with the local police response to crime.

8. Highways

  1. Current LHI bid – halos – work completed.

  2. Potential LHI bid for 23/24 – this has now been submitted by BJ. Will expect to receive costings back in 3 month’s time.

  3. Pedestrian crossing repainting – this has now been repainted.

  4. Blocked drains – Green Lane and The Green/Highway – see above

  5. Blocked highway in Perry – see above

  6. Footpath from Dillington to The Green - see above

  7. 20mph speed limit in Dillington – see above

9. Planning

  1. Staughton Moor planning enforcement – monthly updates – see above - no further report.

  2. 21/01016/FUL – Little America, Moor Road – 8 business units – objections submitted – response still awaited. SC will chase this again.

  3. Wyboston Garden Village/developments in Beds near A1 – ongoing.

  4. Appeal Against Enforcement Notice 21/00092/ENUCO – 11 Little America Industrial Estate – still ongoing – this is with the Planning Inspectorate and will be some months before any update/decision is received.

  5. 22/00807/CLED Lawful Development Certificate B2 for Car Repair – consultation – 12 Little America Industrial Estate – no change but an officer has been appointed now.

10. Cashbook – approved. The AGAR for last financial year has been approved by the external auditor.

Current account £33603.98

Business account £21665.04

Expenditure: £

J Russel 438.45

Bradgate 117.60

Bradgate 117.60

P Yates 76.50

Red Shoes 46.80

DJ Hoenig 90.00

J Russel 438.45

HMRC 64.40

PKF Littlejohn 480.00

11. Correspondence - email from Jason Newell re drainage in The Town. See above.

12. Affordable housing update – BJ reported that AW had failed to connect the site to the water supply. This should have been done before Christmas. The water was connected on 13 January and the builders can go ahead and complete their work now. It is hoped building will complete by 23 March 2023. The sale of 3 properties are going to the mortgage stage now. There is also an issue with the drainage at the back of the development. Builders need permission to dig a ditch and they have applied for it.

13. Three Villages Sustainable Heat Scheme update – no report other than CCC are still talking to suppliers and looking at potential schemes but they need investment from the government.

14. Neighbourhood Plan – BJ reported that the consultant has advised that the group can write the policies now. There is a site assessment on 30 January. The draft plan will be prepared and submitted to HDC planners.

15. Reports from:

  1. Village Hall Committee – HG reported the hall is very booked up and well used.

  2. Playing Field Committee – Phil Yates is now a trustee member of the committee. NY has been elected as Chair again. They are looking at replacing all of the windows and doors. Piglets have now closed.

  3. Speed Watch – no report.

16. Parish Matters - WM – raised the issue of a cycle route from Great Staughton to St Neots. BJ confirmed that it is mentioned in the Local Plan. We could make existing routes better and improve the signage. NY – confirmed that the litter pick will be on 18 March. Thanks to DM and MJS Express for their efforts raising funds for the foodbank. GB reported that one of the footpath bridges had worn out grip strips. PC will ask Phil Yates to look at this.

17. Meeting dates for 2023 - 23 March, Parish Assembly 11 May, AGM 25 May, 6 July, 14 September, 9 November

Meeting closed 9.14 pm

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