Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council Meeting
held on 14 September 2023 – 7.30pm
R Jewell (BJ) G Brittain (GB) L Goody (LG)
N Yates (NY) W Mumford (WM). H Glanville (HG)
H Hopperton (HH). J Duberly (JD)
Ian Gardener (IG)
Stephen Cawley (SC)
J Russel – Clerk
1. NY chaired the meeting as although BJ was present he had had an operation the previous day.
2. Apologies for absence – David Moore (DM)
3. Declarations of Interest – JD re planning application Place House
4. Resident’s Forum – Kathy Cairns attended regarding the planning application at 43 The Highway. Kathy objects to this application and had sent an email to the PC prior to the meeting. Kathy states that there are some problems/inaccuracies with the application. There are no concerns from the PC at this stage and HDC will make a decision regarding Kathy’s issues in due course. Kathy states that the application is a major intrusion on her property and that privacy is an issue.
Carla Young - Carla was pleased that the flashing lights were now working and stated that it had made a difference. The hedge opposite Green Close still has not been cut but this may be due to the time of year as the resident has been contacted. Paul Young can assist if necessary.
5. Reports from District and County Councillors -
Ian Gardner – he was very pleased to report that GSPC had been successful in its application for the 20mph speed limit in the village. There will be a meeting in October and the decision is provisional until then. There were 76 applications for 20 schemes.
Ian reported that the raised crossing in Kimbolton had several complaints about noise. Ian had asked the highways engineer to look at GS’s proposals which Ian circulated at the meeting. The raised crossing would cost in excess of £35k as it would be a LHI complex scheme. There would need to be a consultation. CCC may fund £25K and PC would have to fund the rest. A further flashing MVAS sign could form a non-complex LHi bid. Signage painted on the road to slow traffic would cost £2000.
A new Public Rights of Way Officer has now been appointed and will commence the post in October.
Sharon, the current Highways Officer, is leaving her post and her replacement starts in October. Ian will have having regular meetings with the new officer.
Gully cleaning – GS is about to be visited.
Weeds - CCC has stopped weed killer spraying as of February 2023. There is an online petition to complain about this.
Congestion charge – CCC have stated this is not going ahead now but could be revisited in the future.
LHi bids – scheme opens in October 2023. Panel will consider applications in June/July 2024.
Planning application 5 Acres – CCC has granted more time to prepare reports. This application is a waste scheme so it is being dealt with by CCC and will eventually go to planning committee.
BJ informed the meeting that he has asked Highways to replace the 30mph sign – the red lights are not flashing. Swarco were supposed to be doing this in July. IG will chase.
WM wanted to pass on thanks to IG for his constant support for the Parish.
BJ then gave a Highways Update – he had previously emailed this to the PC. The current LHI Bid submitted by the PC had been successful. This was for the flashing signs. The school crossing lights are now working. There is also increased visibility around the crossing. Options included more signage, an MVAS sign could be placed on one of the lampposts and the existing speed sign shifted. Unfortunately, due to a cost of nearly £100k it will not be feasible to install at pelican crossing. There are also problems with a raised hump as this could cause disturbance to residents. The hedge owners have all been contacted and will cut the hedges in September/October.
Stephen Cawley – the Green Bin subscription is going ahead despite objections. SC had previously circulated his planning email to the PC. He will also raise with the Landscaping Officer at HDC the trees that need cutting back in Beachampstead.
6. Minutes of the meeting held on 6 July 2023 – approved.
7. Matters arising:
Blocked footpath (40) near 5 Acres Salvage yard – see above
Replacement of parish streetlights - this work is now complete. Clerk authorised to pay the invoice.
Gigaclear – still no response. Clerk will chase.
HDC Electric Vehicle Pilot – BJ will apply for this.
8. Attendance at other meetings – LG attended Care Together meeting which is for over 65s. This is a new initiative from CCC to help adults live happily in their home for longer. LG is going to email the PC with further details. This sort of holistic care is already provided in the village, however.
9. Highways
Current LHI bid 23/24 – our bid has been successful. This is for a MVAS sign and solar panel. The PC will need to pay a small contribution. We need to decide the location. It was agreed that the best location was coming into the village via Kimbolton Road. BJ will email Highways to confirm location and contribution.
Blocked drains – Green Lane and The Green/The Highway – these are now cleared. Remove from agenda.
Blocked highway in Perry – c/f
Footpath from Dillington to The Green - the cost for a pavement would be in the region of £140k. Clearly this is outside the resources of the PC.
20mph speed limit – our application was successful – see above
Speed Sign data – remove from agenda. WM has reported seeing speeding vehicles travelling at 100mph through the village. He will call 101 to report if he witnesses this again.
Potholes/Laurel trees – the new HO will look at this once they are in post.
Pedestrian crossing and potential finding – IG had previously circulated an email after his discussion with the HO as to what could be done to improve on road safety. Now we have been successful for a 20mph speed limit the PC was to consider what else was necessary. The road controls suggested by Ian Gardiner would be considered in the context of an LHI bid. Road markings were noted to be £2000 which could be done separately or included in an LHI bid. Clerk will ask IG whether the £2k cost is for one or two signs.
Bethmar – hedgerow damage. The residents in question had not yet contacted Bethmar themselves about this issue. It was agreed that they should do this first and the PC may get involved if no response was received.
10. Planning
Staughton Moor planning enforcement – ongoing
21/01016/FUL – Little America, Moor Road – 8 business units – still pending
Wyboston Garden Village/developments in Beds near A1 – ongoing.
Appeal Against Enforcement Notice 21/00092/ENUCO – 11 Little America Industrial Estate - ongoing
22/00807/CLED Lawful Development Certificate B2 for Car repair - refused
Appeal Consultation 22/00730/HHFUL and 22/00725/LBC – 1 The Green – single storey flat roof extension to rear. Appeal dismissed.
23/01305 Place House Cottage – window installation – no comments/objections
22/01813/FUL Land East and West of Little Staughton Solar Farm – comments submitted re Rights of Way
23/01422/HHFUL – The Old Coach House – solar panels – no objections/comments
23/01390/HHFUL 14 the Highway – garage – no comments/objection 23/01423/LBC The Old Coach House – solar panels – no comments/objections
23/01485/HHFUL 43 The Highway – conservatory removal – non comments/objections
11. Cashbook – approved.
Current account £40,241.04
Business account £21,795.40
Expenditure: £
ACH Windows 10,587.85
Lancaster Electrical 2,221.92
Phil Yates 169.75
Phil Yates 151.75
Bradgate 259.20
J Russel 459.85
J Russel 459.85
SLCC 101.00
Phil Yates 123.75
Bradgate 259.20
Kitchen Culture 3,500.00
Phil Yates 111.25
Kitchen Culture 500.00
Numbers Quarter. 180.00
Life Magazine 600.00
Church 400.00
12. Correspondence - letter from Janet Bowen regarding maintenance in the village. It was agreed that the following actions would be taken: a notice would be put in Life and on the website and Facebook asking people to cut back hedges to their boundary line. Phil Yates would be asked to spray weed killer. CCC/HDC had already been asked to look at the trees and said they would look at these in September/October. Regarding the potholes the new HO will be asked to look at this.
13. Neighbourhood Plan –
Approval of Draft plan for Regulation 14 – there had been a couple of minor amendments to the document previously circulated. HDC have improved the maps and the document now has a front cover. A strategic Environmental Assessment is now been deemed necessary in respect of the proposed Brook Farm development as a result of a report from Historic England. A surface water risk assessment in respect of Land at 29 The Green should be completed with local wildlife groups. It is hoped these can be undertaken alongside the Regulation 14 Consultation. The steps to be taken now are as follows:
Agree Plan at this meeting
Send notification to all interested parties on 15 September
20 September to 2 November 2023 is the consultation period.
A leaflet will be distributed to the village
Responses to the consultation will be published on website
Two drop in sessions and paper copies of the plan held at church, village hall, Doctors, the clerk and BJ
Approval of Consultation approach by Parish Council – all Parish Councillors agreed the Draft Plan and to the Consultation Period taking place between 20 September to 2 November.
BJ wanted to pass on his thanks to Natalie Elsworthy at HDC for all of her assistance.
14. Reports from:
Village Hall Committee – HG reported that they no longer had the child from CCC using the hall but that finances were healthy with £38k in the bank.
Playing Field Committee - NY reported that the kitchen was completed and the larger room had now been decorated. The first lunch session took place last week and hopefully the pavilion will now receive more bookings. NY has made an application to the Parish Charites for a grant towards the new play equipment They meet in October.
Speed Watch – no report.
15. Parish Matters - WM wanted the doctor’s surgery to clarify their new patient policy as he had received a complaint that a resident in the village could not join the surgery as it was full. But people living outside of the village had joined the surgery as a new patient.
HG – footpath impassable Moor Road– Crown Farm are responsible. BJ will send the clerk details.
GB - has noted that cars were parking on the road when the football matches were on. The village hall car park is available for these cars to park rather than use the road.
NY – there has been a delay to the Life Magazine delivery but hopefully DPD are delivering these tomorrow. MJS want to provide the Santa Sleigh this year. This is fun for the children in the village and it does not need to raise money.
Meeting dates for 2023 9 November.
Meeting closed at 10pm