Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council Meeting
held on 16 May 2024 – 7.30pm
Present: R Jewell (BJ) W Mumford (WM) H Glanville (HG) L Goody (LG) J Duberly (JD) G Brittain (GB) Helen Hopperton (HH) David Moore, Nicole Yates (NY)
J Russel – Clerk
1. Apologies for absence – Ian Gardner - CCC, Stephen Cawley - HDC
2. Election of Officers: Chair – BJ elected (NY proposed, HG seconded), Vice Chair - NY elected (BJ nominated, JD seconded), RFO - JR elected – (BJ proposed and NY seconded)
3. Declarations of Interest JD agenda item 15, HH agenda item 18
4. Resident’s Forum – Susan McAteer attended on behalf of her parents as they were on holiday. This was in relation to planning application 24/00616/FUL. She outlined their objections. They believe if granted that this will present a danger to life. They have paid for a separate transport test, but this has not been received yet. They have commissioned this report to take a proper average speed on the road. It is a busy road and some objections have been sent to HDC already. The PC need to respond to the application with their comments by 18 May.
5. Election of Sub Committees
Planning – all councillors,
Playing Field GB, WM, BJ, NY, HH
Village Hall – LG, HH, HG
Highway Warden – DM
Parish Charities – LG, WM, JD
Footpaths – HG
Life Magazine – NY
Speed watch - DM
6. Reports from District and County Councillors - no councillors were present tonight.
7. Minutes of the meeting held on 14 March 2024 – approved.
8. Matters arising
Blocked footpath (40) near 5 Acres Salvage yard – no report. IG will ask about this at the next meeting.
Parking on The Highway – this was raised again at the Parish Assembly. Hopefully the 20mph scheme might help this issue. Not sure what else the PC can do as it is a police enforcement issue. Moving the doctors surgery may help too but this is a longer term solution.
Dog bins – there used to be a dog bin in Lovers Lane. But as HDC would not empty it, this was removed. Dog waste can be placed in the HDC bins on The Highway and HDC will empty these bins.
Drains – blocked drains at Vicarage Walk and The Green would be reported.
Soldier Silhouette – a discussion took place as to where would this be placed as we already have a memorial. DM would investigate costings for the next meeting. This is not urgent.
HDC Green Bins - this was discussed, and it was decided that the PC could not be responsible for the bins. They would need to deal with them if they were contaminated and be responsible for putting them out on bin day. This is not something the PC can do.
9. Attendance at other meetings – WM attended the Kimbolton Fire station meeting regarding its closure. Part of the problem is that there are not enough volunteers for the station, but they are now trying to recruit. Any volunteers need to live 5 minutes from the station by car without breaking the speed limit. WM does not believe that it is a foregone conclusion that it will close. IG will report back to the Parish Councils once more is known. But no timescale has been provided as to when a final decision will be made.
10. Highways
a. 23/24 LHi Bid – the clerk will ask IG to try to progress this. We are still waiting for the MVAS sign and solar panels to be installed at the Kimbolton end of the village.
b. Current LHi bid 24/25 – no update as yet. IG may be able to update the PC at the next meeting.
c. Blocked highway in Perry – carried forward to next meeting.
d. 20mph speed limit – there have been no adverse comments to the official CCC Consultation so the scheme will go ahead and will be implemented on 10 June.
e. Pedestrian crossing issues and potential grant funding – an application has been made to National Power.
f. Flooding Cage Lane gullies – the flooding has ceased but there is still a defective drain that needs fixing. IG will provide an update at the next meeting.
g. Drain in The Town – LG reported that she hopes this will be sorted soon. IG has been helping with this. They have had several on site meetings about this issue.
h. WM also reported that the cycle race is a problem for road users. IG to be asked if the PC can make representations when approval is being considered.
11. Planning
a.Five Acres enforcement – no update.
b.Wyboston Garden Village/developments in Beds near A1 – ongoing.
c. 22/01813/FUL Land East and West of Little Staughton Solar Farm – comments submitted re Rights of Way – we will ask SC to look into this.
d. Lower Park Farm – new access (see above). The PC considered the representations made earlier in the meeting and agreed that it was not a safe place for a new access. It would recommend refusal based on it being a danger on the highway.
12. AGAR 2023/24 – documents were circulated prior to the meeting.
12a) Annual Governance Statement approved and signed.
12b) Accounting Statements were approved and signed.
13.Cashbook – approved.
Current account £38738.59
Business account £20953.08
Expenditure: £9103.28
Payee | £ |
P Yates | 73.92 |
P Yates | 111.75 |
Cambs Acre | 315.00 |
Cambs Acre | 2,520.00 |
GS Village Hall | 100.00 |
Bradgate | 259.20 |
Red Shoes | 46.80 |
HMRC | 36.40 |
J Russel | 508.32 |
N Power | 1,875.75 |
P Yates | 88.50 |
CAS Ltd | 412.86 |
Business Print | 210.00 |
J Russel | 598.99 |
J Russel | 33.27 |
Floor Transformers | 1,392.00 |
J Russel | 520.52 |
14.Correspondence - an email had been received from one of the landowners. He has alleged that the consultation procedure was not followed correctly. The PC have responded with a day-by-day account of the procedure followed. The PC is not supporting this landowner’s site as a preferred site in the Neighbourhood Plan.
15.Neighbourhood Plan - the SEA is still not ready. This will hopefully be received next week. BJ reported that an email had been received by him to say that it looked like the NP has addressed the necessary issues. This is encouraging. We cannot go to Consultation stage until we have received the SEA.
16.Reports from:
a. Village Hall Committee – bookings are very busy. The floor in the committee room is now complete.
b. Playing Field Committee - the committee are reconfiguring the football pitches and Buckden FC are applying for grants for new goals.
c. Speed Watch – no report.
17. Parish Matters – BJ has received an email from CCC re installing EV charging points free of charge. It was agreed that the PC would apply for this to be installed in the playing field car park.
JD reported that the church BBQ will take place on 16 June at Place House. This is a fundraiser for new heating, kitchen and disabled toilets at the church. NY is on the committee for this fundraising.
18. East Park Energy Solar Farm – there is nothing major to report. Although a government minister has recently reported that the correct criteria must be established to dictate where these types of development should be situated.
19.Meeting dates for 2024 – 4 July, 12 September, 7 November
Meeting closed at 21.18
