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Minutes Playing Field Committee 10th October 2016

Minutes of Great Staughton Playing Field Committee Meeting held on 10 October 2016


Nicole Yates (Chair)                               Bob Jewell (Treasurer)                           Mike Keeble

Mervyn Young                                       Will Mumford                                         Janet Bowen

Jo Reid (Clerk)

  1. Apologies: Geoff Gilbert, Margaret Sare, Lauren Fisk, Frank Backhouse

  2. Annual Report presented by the Chair:

Funding applications still continue to source new play equipment for the playing field

There has been a decline in the use of the playing field and pavilion facilities. This has impacted on income. All ideas are very welcome to raise the profile and increase usage.

  1. Election of Officers


Proposed – Nicole Yates

Proposer – Janet Bowen

Seconder – Bob Jewell

Vice Chair

Proposed – Janet Bowen

Proposer – Bob Jewell

Seconder – Nicole Yates


Proposed – Bob Jewell

Proposer – Nicole Yates

Seconder – Janet Bowen

  1. Approval of Minutes of the meeting held on 1st August 2106th

The minutes of the meeting were approved and duly signed as a true record.

  1. Matters arising from minutes:

1001     Use of school broadband in the Pavillion – the school Headteacher is open to our suggestion. NY to look at the practicalities of the proposal ACTION :NY

1002     Paint is available for freshening up of the pavilion. A team of volunteers is now needed and it is likely to be spring when the project is carried out.

  1. Treasurers report:

Income from the Parish Council grant and girl guide meetings. Expenditure generally as per last year, though fire inspection was more expensive due to having to replace kit.  Going forward, Little Paxton have booked the football field.

  1. Reports from Clubs & Users

Horticultural Society: – MK reported that they are reviewing meeting dates so they can possibly use the pavilion.

Tennis Club: – N Yates reported that the same core 6/8 meet on a Sunday. They will carry on over winter and renew publicity in the spring. There was a request to consider Saturday meetings to allow members to go to church on Sundays.

School: – Email to be sent to Headteacher to request a representative to attend the Playing Field Committee. Action: JR

Piglets: – JB/NY/RJ met with Piglets regarding the lease renewal for the pavilion. They are reviewing a relatively informal agreement for use of the large room, with an all in rent to cover utilities.

  1. Funding application for play equipment

JB/RJ met with Streetscape, who specialise in facilitating funding requests by applying on our behalf if we buy their equipment. Total cost for replacing the Log World would be £14k fitted, once the area is cleared.

It was discussed that it is 5 years since the last kids survey and hence a decision was made to hold an open event to collate parent and child views. It is hoped that this might ensure a consensus for what people want.

The event will be Monday 7 November 5-7pm. With the Playing Field Committee convening to review feedback later that evening.

WM reported that it is possible that Gransden Society would be open to a funding request. RJ to write to secretary. Action: RJ/JR

Further discussions ensued regarding use of the old cricket pitch and the possibility of remarking the tennis courts to create multiplay areas. It was suggested that committee members should visit other parks – Catworth, Brampton, Hail Weston etc to review their facilities/layout.

  1. Operational matters

Nothing to report.

  1. Correspondence

Nothing to report

Dates for 2016

Play equipment review Monday 7 November 7PM, The Old School

Full meeting TBC

N Yates thanked everyone for their attendance and the meeting closed at 8.54pm

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