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Minutes Playing Field Committee 13th February 2017

Minutes of Great Staughton Playing Field Committee Meeting held on 13 February 2017


Nicole Yates (Chair)                               Mike Keeble                               Margaret Sare

Mervyn Young                                       Janet Bowen

Jo Reid (Clerk)

  1. Apologies: Geoff Gilbert, Bob Jewell, Lauren Fisk, Frank Backhouse, Will Mumford

  2. Approval of Minutes of the meeting held on 10th August 2106

The minutes of the meeting were approved and duly signed as a true record.

  1. Matters arising from minutes:

0201     IT expert still being lined up to look into Wifi

0202     Still pursing paint etc to refresh the pavilion

  1. Treasurers report:

No debts outstanding. Income from Guides and Football. Potential to sell cricket roller.

  1. Reports from Clubs & Users

Horticultural Society: – MK reported that they can’t access pavilion on Wednesdays. Plant Sale is 27th May.

Tennis Club: – NY reported that there had been no winter meetings or play. Awaiting spring.

School: – Chase again for representation. Action: JR

Piglets: Piglets are in agreement with new lease arrangements.

It was queried whether Guides need to attend the meeting, though dates clash with Guiding sessions.

  1. Funding application for play equipment

Working with Streetscape to review equipment funding application. Funding received from Parish Charities.

No one attended session to review playing field plans. WM will clear site when needed.

  1. Operational matters

Moles affected matched in January, John Harrison helping with issue.

  1. Correspondence

Piglets email of acceptance

Dates for 2017

To be circulated

N Yates thanked everyone for their attendance and the meeting closed at 8.25pm

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