Minutes of Great Staughton Playing Field Committee Meeting held on 1 August 2016
Nicole Yates (Chair) Bob Jewell (Treasurer) Lauren Fisk
Margaret Sare Mike Keeble Mervyn Young
Will Mumford Janet Bowen Frank Backhouse
Jo Reid (Clerk)
Apologies: Geoff Gilbert
Approval of Minutes of the meeting held on 18th April 2106th
The minutes of the meeting were approved and duly signed as a true record.
Matters arising from minutes:
0403 Use of school broadband in the Pavillion – letter to school drafted ACTION :JR
Treasurers report:
All debtors have paid. The excess of expenditure over income is likely to continue in the short term despite the Girl Guides regular booking.
Reports from Clubs & Users
Horticultural Society: – Horticultural Show Saturday 27 August.
Tennis Club: – N Yates confirmed that there has been mixed success at the Sunday sessions. The small group of people attending is not stable enough for formal membership. However, they are looking at possibly running Wednesday evenings too. As yet, the club is not in a position to spend on facilities.
School: – No Attendance.
Cricket Club: – R Jewell reported that the club has ceased using the playing field and now play at Kimbolton.
Piglets: – L Fisk reported that the delayed AGM was held recently. One new parent was recruited, with 3 officers reappointed. Next AGM is in October and they hope for new intake of parents. A ‘Friends of Piglets’ will be set up for special projects. Next term will start with 11 on register and ‘stay & play’ sessions are running over summer to recruit more new children. Lease negotiations will take place before the Oct AGM.
Funding application for play equipment
J Bowen reported that an application via Mick George to replace logworld (£6k) was unsuccessful. However £3k was approved from Hunts Community Chest, which will need to be matched. JB is looking at other sources of funding. NY reported that we should look at membership of Fields in Trust to help receive discounts or funding aids. ACTION:JB NY
A letter has been received from a local child full of interest and ideas for the play equipment.
The question of signage was raised regarding the playing field facilities
Conversation took place as to why we might be finding funding so hard to access. Potentially, it could be that Great Staughton falls between the brackets for size of facilities and funds available. It was suggested that we should review where other villages get their funding and as to whether we could approach the Parish Charities. ACTION:JR
Operational matters
It was reported that the ladies toilet needs fixing ACTION:LF
RJ reported that the gate is awaiting repair by Hunt Tree Fencing
The pavilion cleaner has resigned, but a potential replacement has been found. RJ to interview the candidate and discuss tasks required, plus the frequency. A ‘clean/blitz’ team was discussed to refresh the pavilion, potentially with recycled paint. ACTION:NY
WM agreed to fix the football goal posts so that they can be used ACTION:WM
As mentioned above, letter from local child regarding play equipment.
Dates for 2016
10th October – AGM
N Yates thanked everyone for their attendance and the meeting closed at 8.50pm