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Notice of co-option one Great Staughton Parish Councillor

Huntingdon District Council have confirmed there is one vacancy on the Great Staughton Parish Council which may be filled by the co-option process.

If you are interested in serving as a Parish Councillor, please send a written expression of interest to the Parish Clerk along with a short personal statement giving reasons why you are interested in joining the Parish Council and what you feel you are able to contribute, to the email address below or by post to 2 Hatchet Lane, Stonely, St Neots, PE19 5EG.

Alternatively, any of the current members of the Parish Council will be happy to assist and their details can be found at the front of Life Magazine.

The closing date for the written submission of interest is:

Thursday, 12 May 2022

Parish Councillors will consider written submissions at the AGM to be held on :

Thursday, 19th May 2022

Jo Russel

Great Staughton Parish Clerk



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