Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council AGM held on 10th May 2018 – 7.30pm in the Village Pavilion
Present: R Jewell (RJ) Helen Glanville (HG) D Moore (DM) Lorraine Goody (LG) N Yates (NY) Andrea Gilbert (AG) J Bowen (JB)
I Gardener (IG) Darren Tysoe (DT) J Russel (JR) (clerk)
1. Apologies for absence – none
2. Election of officers –
Robert Jewell was elected Chairman Nicole Yates was elected Vice Chairman Responsible Finance Officer – JR
3. Residents’ Forum – Parking Problems – Lauras Close – P. Rowe, D. Chapman – the residents attended the meeting for an update. At the Annual Parish Assembly there was not universal agreement to putting yellow lines in the area. DM has liaised with CCC who have visited the area and the costs aspect is still being looked into by Highways. What is important is that any scheme to alleviate the problems in Lauras Close should not cause further problems in other areas in the village. IG confirmed that the PC are doing all they can to deal with this issue. Everyone in the village will however need to agree to any proposal that Highways put forward as will the Police. Costs will be another important issue to consider.
4. Co-option of Councillors – there are two vacancies which can be filled by co-option. JR will place a Notice in Life asking for candidates, which the PC will then consider at their next meeting on 5 July 2018.
5. Election of sub-committees
Planning (all Councillors) Playing Field – RJ, NY, DM, JB Parish Charities – AG, RJ, JB Village Hall – HG, DM, LG Footpaths – DM, HG Highway Warden & Road Safety – DM Life magazine – NY Neighbourhood Watch – vacancy Speed Watch – DM West Hunts Friendship Club – JB Piglets – JB
6. Minutes of the meeting held on 22 March 2018 – The minutes were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
7. Matters Arising
Parking in the Highway – in addition to the comments made in the Resident’s Forum the Drs surgery have put up notices as requested by the PC. Could their staff be asked to park elsewhere temporarily in order to alleviate the difficulties until a solution is found? JR will ask if alternative parking could be used in the village hall, playing field or Dwellers (with permission).
Footpaths – footpath map now received from CCC. PC will prepare a list of the footpaths in GS showing who is responsible for the maintenance of each footpath. Ditches – Cage Lane – RJ will identify the areas that need work and then JR will email CCC and cc IG. Missing County sign – Clerk has again reported as it has still not been replaced. But CCC report that matter is being dealt with. Time bank – HWPC has responded and we are waiting for Perry PC and K&S PC to discuss this issue at their meetings. Transparency Fund Grant – JR reported the application was successful, and the PC is in receipt of the grant totalling £1068.93. Quotes will be obtained and discussed at the next PC meeting.
Bridge on Footpath 3 – it was agreed that a sign should be erected by CCC warning walkers of the damaged bridge. Concern was expressed over the length of time it was taking to fix the issue – IG agreed to chase this up. Water leak Perry Hill – Anglian Water have fixed this. Potholes Dillington, Cage Lane, Green Close and The Highway, Vicarage Walk – clerk will report these to CCC and suggest that they inspect the potholes with one of the PC members.
Parish grass cutting – a complaint was received from one of the residents on The Causeway regarding the grass cutting. It was reported that this wasuse to this being Highways land and thus the responsibility of CCC. Unfortunately, CCC only cut the grass they are responsible for twice per year.
8. Parish Assembly Speed limits in The Town – when this issue was raised with CCC they were not convinced that an application for a reduced speed limit would be successful. CCC would need supporting evidence for it being reduced to 30mph. DM indicated he could undertake Speed Watch in that area. But any evidence submitted would need to be gathered over long period of time. The PC are still in discussions with CCC but there is currently no technical reason for a reduction in the speed limit Potholes Beachhampstead/Green Lane – see above. JR will report to CCC.
Corner Green Close/The Highway – local residents are keen for some measures to be introduced to stop cars mounting the pavement, which is dangerous. IG advised that bollards are unlikely to be appropriate as that would narrow the existing pavement and is not considered a good option from a safety perspective. The hedges need cutting back to the boundary line and this issue will be considered at the next meeting once the councillors have reported back to identify exactly which houses are an issue. As the pavements are so narrow the hedges must be kept tidy.
Any other matters arising – please could parishioners consider whether they are able to assist Jackie at HACT, who is doing a wonderful job administering the scheme, and provide any help with transport.
9. Attendance at other meetings – NY has been asked to sit in on the St Andrews Church restoration project meetings.
10. Planning
18/00701/HHFUL 60 The Highway – no comments – Two storey extension to rear. 17/02585/FUL. 45 Dillington – no comments – Amend design, pair of 2 semi-detached dwellings. 18/00611/HHFUL 22 Vicarage Walk – no comments – 2 storey rear extension.
11. Highways – the footbridge on Footpath 3 is damaged and the Clerk reported this to CCC Highways back in January, but it has still not been repaired.
12. Report from County & District Councillors – IG – there was not a great to deal to resupport since the last PC meeting as of course there has been the local elections. The PCC is taking over the responsibility of the Fire Authority from June onwards, but this is now subject to a Judicial Review due to concerns about safety issues.
DT – GS had the highest voter turnout in the local elections at 45%, Kimbolton was 41%. DT will put a note in Life Magazine thanking all the voters. The HDC AGM is on 23 May – when the new chairman etc will be elected.
13. Correspondence –
Various – Invitations to Parish Assembly CCC Highways – Missing County sign CCC Highways – damage to foot bridge – footpath 3 PCSO R Braddick – Lauras Close CCC Highways – Lauras Close Highways Asset Management – Footpath maps Bradgate – Playing field grass cutting Balfour Beatty – Dillington street light issues N Orchard – Dillington street light issues G. Holgate – Dillington street light issues D. Wildbridge -CLT F Mastrandrea – CLT Kimbolton Clerk – Timebank Perry clerk – Timebank A Chapman – CLT R Ellis -Speed Limits R Klemperer – CLT CLT Network – Insurance queries Anglian Water – leak report CCC Highways – Missing County sign CCC Highways – damage to foot bridge – footpath 3 Bradgate – Playing field grass cutting Ardiana Kita-Fuller – Parish Grass cutting Darren Tysoe (Cllr) -new district councillor invite to PC meeting on 10 May James Stringer CCC – footpath changes in GS
Richard Braddick – PCS Request for parish issues that the PCSO can assist with F. Mastrandrea – CLT issues D. Wildbridge – CLT issues Anglian Water – Leak reported J Gray – Parish Assembly CCC Highways – Damage to footbridge Graham Holgate – Dillington street lighting PCSO S. George – Lauras Close parking HDC – Precept ROSPA Play safety – Play equipment reports Martin Wilson – Perry clerk – Timebank Ardiana Kita-Fuller – Parish grass cutting N Orchard – Dillington street lighting Darren Tysoe (Cllr) – New District Councillor for Great Staughton ward
14. Cashbook, Cheques in and out
Income: £20,068.93 Transparency Fund Grant £1068.93 Precept – £19,000 Expenditure: £1,829.55 Capalc Training Course £35 HMRC Quarterly Payment – £161.60 Clerk Salary March £215.35 Mr Harrison – £219.89 Mr Hoenig – £142.00 CLT Network – £350.00 Clerk April Salary – £215.35 ROSPA Play safety – £180.60 R. Jewell – £31.17
Total £38,749.81
Balance in Community Account £40,579.36
Cashbook was reviewed and approved. It was agreed that NY and JB would be the new signatories on the Barclays Banks accounts.
14(a) AGAR 2017/18 – Annual Governance Statement was completed by the PC and duly signed. 14.(b) Accounting statements were approved and signed by the Chairman and RFO.
15. Affordable Housing – RJ provided an update. Things are moving forward, and it is hoped a meeting will be set up with Luminus shortly.
16. Report from: Village Hall Committee – HG reported that all work is now complete and going forward to heating system will be much more efficient. The village hall is now a nice place to spend time. Playing Field Committee – NY reported that further fundraising efforts are well underway, and this includes the Gala Day on 21 July. Neighbourhood Watch – no report Speed Watch – No report
17. Parish Matters – Orchard Farm – councillors asked JR to contact HDC to find out the conditions attached to this planning application. HG queried the recent work carried out to the Causeway junction. People have questioned whether this is as effective as originally hoped. DM reported that modelling software was used by CCC and that was the maximum extent to which the junction could be changed. RJ reported that the Stakeholder Group meeting would be held in the Village Hall on 24 May. RJ will talk about the various schemes Great Staughton have achieved.
Dates of meetings for 2018 5 July, 27 September, 15 November