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Parish Council Minutes 02.07.20

Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council

Virtual Meeting held on 2 July 2020 – 7.30pm


R Jewell (BJ)                               H Glanville (HG).                        G Brittain (GB)

D Moore (DM)                             Nicole Yates (NY)

A Gilbert (AG)                             J Duberly (JD)                             W Mumford (WM)

J Russel (JR) (clerk).                   Darren Tysoe (DT)                      I Gardener (IG)

1. Apologies for absence – Lorraine Goody

2. Residents’ Forum – Jon Mills – Partners In Planning regarding 69 The Highway application. Mr Mills made representations on behalf of his client. Highways have reported that the layby proposal is not within the jurisdiction of the planning applicant, but Highways have said that if there were a layby there then it would cause an obstruction. The planning applicant has explored all avenues but because Highways have deemed the current access proposals safe the design is acceptable in their view then he asked if GSPC could withdraw their objections. Concerns were expressed that Highways decision was not respectful of the location and that the decision would indeed cause a problem in the area. Mr Mils stressed that the planning application did not wish to cause any problems and that he has tried all avenues to resolve the issues.

3. Minutes 21 May 2020 –  approved

4. Reports from County and District Councillor – Darren Tysoe and Ian Gardener – see attached reports.

5. Matters arising:

Timebank – on hold for the time being.

Green Close potholes  – job was cancelled by CCC, DM will report again.

Ridge and Furrow fields – IG has been copied in on the Clerk’s email to CCC Archaeology and he will chase up on our behalf.

Pavement outside 71 Beachampstead – this has been reported to CCC but IG will chase up. BJ will take a photograph for the clerk.

Streetlight Parish Energy Handover IG has asked his colleague to contact the clerk to discuss this issue but to date she has not been contacted.

Fallen trees in River Kym – clerk will chase EA again.

Blocked Footpath – clerk has written to Sam Paske

Parish Heat Scheme – HG reported that the tender document had been submitted and a PR specialist has been engaged. The PC agreed the Memorandum of Understanding. The PC bank account will be the bank account used for the project.

6. Attendance at other meetings – nothing to report

7. Planning –

Land at 69 the Highway – Highways say that the entrance and exit is compliant and safe. They did not see a reason therefore to meet with GSPC. HDC say that if Highways are not objecting then they will not either. This is disappointing given the parking issues at Lauras Close. One option would be to put bollards up but the PC feel that this may encourage more people to park on the road, which would make the problem worse. DT confirmed that HDC would normally act in line with Highways. If there was a scheme that could be put in place to resolve the issue then it should not be the responsibility of the planning applicant, which would put a financial obligation on him unfairly. It was agreed that the PC could not project the village parking problems on to one applicant although he could possibly be asked to make a contribution as a gesture of goodwill. There were essentially 2 options available to the PC. Firstly, they can withdraw their objections or pursue those and the matter would be referred to the DMC. There were not strong grounds for objecting to the application and therefore an exceedingly low chance of this being rejected at DMC. All councillors agreed that the PC should write to HDC to withdraw the objections apart from WM and BJ

8. Highways – LHi Bid – DM has been dealing with this. There are concerns about the section of road between the bridge into The Town but the police do not support this being changed to 30 mph speed limit. If we try to challenge this decision, we will have to pay costs which could be in the region of £2000. The MVAS will be moved periodically – every few weeks.

9. Correspondence – the GSPC would like to express their thanks to Kathy Wilson for all of her help over the years and to wish her well in her retirement.

10. AGAR 2019/20 – 10a – Annual Governance statement 2019/20 approved and 10b Accounting statements 2019/20 approved

11. Cashbook – reviewed and approved.

Income:       £0

Expenditure:   –

Anthony Collins £1620.00

Clerk Salary £306.58

Philip Yates = £350.64

Bradgate – £235.20

Anthony Collins £900.00

St Neots Museum £50.00

D Hoenig = £131.00

Bradgate – £235.20

Clerk salary – £306.58

GSPCC £400.00

Life magazine – £600.00

Balance in Community Account        £13681.06

Balance in Tracker Account.                  ££16,644.90

Cashbook was reviewed and approved.

12. Affordable Housing – BJ reported that the planning application will take 2-3 months to be approved. The leases are nearly agreed.

13. Report from:

Village Hall Committee – HG reported that a decision had been made not to reopen the hall until September 2020. Sanitisers have been ordered and the CCC have booked the hall again from 4 September  – they will clean the hall after each use.

Playing Field Committee – AW and BJ have been working on a list of names for the memorial. NY is making a grant application to CCC for the play equipment. The Golf Society have very kindly donated £200 to the play equipment fund. The playground will be reopened in line with government guidelines as are HDC.

Neighbourhood Watch – no report

Speed Watch – no report.

14. Parish Matters – GB enquired about a footpath Mr Day has moved and whether it is still his responsibility to cut this. If the path is adjacent to the hedge than CCC will maintain this but if it’s in the middle of the field then it is Mr Day’s responsibility. It has also been reported that two stable blocks have been erected on the land behind the proposed development at 69 the Highway – it was not clear whether planning permission is required and so the clerk will write to HDC.

NY raised the issue of overgrown hedges on the footpaths. A general reminder will be put on Facebook and in Life magazine asking residents to cut back their hedges.

BJ reported that the brown tail moth problem is back in the playing field hedges. Mr Hoenig is keeping that matter under review. Meeting closed at 21.10

Dates of meetings for 2020 – 17 September, 19 November



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