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Parish Council Minutes 09.09.21


R Jewell (BJ) H Glanville (HG) G Brittain (GB)

N Yates (NY) L Goody (LG) W Mumford (WM)

David Moore (DM) Andrea Gilbert (AG) James Duberly (JD)

Jo Russel (Clerk). Ian Gardener (IG)

1. Apologies for absence – Darren Tysoe (DT)

2. Resident’s Forum - no one attended. BJ wanted to record the council’s condolences to Peter Wilmer’s wife Jean and all of his family on hearing the sad news of his death. Peter served on the Parish Council for 50 years, some of those years as Chair, and he was also a county councillor.

3. Reports from District and County Councillors – IG discussed the new bus service being run by the Combined Authority. It has been designed for people to book transport via an app or telephone. The service will run from Monday to Friday 7am to 7pm and Saturdays 9am to 4pm. There is no service on Sundays or bank holidays. CCC is also setting up the Community Action program to deal with local flooding. The idea is to set up local action groups across the county and initiate local plans in the event of flooding. He also indicated that he was going to visit the area with Joe Hudson to look at the potholes/footpaths in the village and arrange for repair works. Finally, the LHI Bids need to be in by 30 September.

BJ then raised the issue of 5 Acres. The PC had not been receiving the monthly updates as promised. IG has raised this with Alyson Twyford but has had no reply as of yet. The clerk will chase DT for a response and indicate that the PC is concerned that there has been no response to the Chair’s recent email.

4. Minutes of the meeting held on 8 July 2021 – approved.

5. Matters arising:

a. Green Close potholes – these will be fixed in the next couple of weeks. CCC will also be asked to fix the Beachampstead road pothole.

b. Replacement of village streetlights – clerk will keep chasing this payment from HDC.

c. Tree in Moory Croft – Highways have confirmed that it will be removed before the winter.

d. Bus services – carry forward to keep under review.

e. Blocked footpath near 5 Acres Salvage yard – IG has chased James Stringer the new footpath officer. He will ask James to visit the area.

f. GS website/Life magazine – we have received a quote to re design the website and maintain it and also to integrate Life Magazine on to the website. The proposal is then to change the frequency of Life magazine. The quote for moving the website and ongoing yearly costs are £400.00 and £600.00 respectively. NY reported that Life’s finances will not last until Christmas and the way to survive is to become a quarterly magazine. This will allow for better content too. People can also advertise on the website as well. It was agreed by all to make these changes to the website.

6. Attendance at other meetings – none.

7. Highways

a. LHI 20/21 – DM reported on the data from the speed units. IG will investigate who he should send the data to at CCC. BJ wanted to record the PC’s thanks to DM for all of his hard work on this project.

b. Pedestrian crossing, potential LHI bid 21/22 – BJ and IG met with the new Highways engineer. There are only two options available. Firstly, to add halos to the beacons – this will continuously flash making them more noticeable. It is the least difficult option and the cheaper one too. Secondly, you could raise the actual crossing but this is much more costly. Option one would cost £3000 with a contribution of £500 for the PC. The second option would be £20,000 with a contribution of £3000 from the PC. It was agreed to submit the bid for the halo option by 30 September but then to consult the village regarding any noise or light issues for local residents if the bid was successful. The PC agreed to pay the contribution of £500 in the event that the project went ahead. It was also agreed that IG would ask CCC if the crossing could be repainted.

c. Blocked drains – IG will chase

d. Humps on Dillington road – IG will visit the area with the new Highways engineer.

e. Footpath works – IG will visit the area with the new Highways engineer.

f. Blocked bridleway Perry – WM will provide a map of the location and the clerk will keep chasing AW

g. Motorbikes – PCSO will be asked to attend the next meeting.

8. Planning

a. Staughton Moor planning enforcement – PC agree to publish the monthly update to be provided by the enforcement officers and comment on any issues that may be noted in those updates.

b. Chestnut nursery site – we have had a report from the estates manager who is investigating the matter.

c. 21/01016/FUL – Little America, Moor Road – 8 business units – objections have been sent to HDC.

d. A query has been raised as to whether vehicles being marketed for sale on the verge at GSN Conservatories would require specific planning consent. We are still awaiting a response from HDC Enforcement.

9. Correspondence – two letters received from residents in The Town. The first one was querying the consultation process for the recent LHI Bid. The PC instructed the Clerk to respond by saying that the issue was discussed at the last parish Assembly in 2019. It was also raised at numerous PC meetings and discussions were had with community members. The PC did try to have the new limit extended in The Town but unfortunately CCC would not agree to this. The second letter referred to signage in The Town and the fact that delivery drivers have problems finding properties. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact HDC to see if road signage could be improved in the area. The clerk would also contact CCC to see if the 40mph limit could be extended.

Phil Yates has also written to the PC asking if the parish mower can be replaced. Clerk to ask him for 3 quotes.

10. Cashbook – reviewed and approved.

Expenditure. £

Phil Yates 197.25

Janet Hall. 750.00

Online Design 40.00

Bradgate 235.20

Jo Russel 323.94

Online Design 40.00

ICO fee - CLT 40.00

SLCC member. 95.00

Phil Yates 132.75

Bradgate 235.20

David Hoenig 276.00

Jo Russel 323.94


Combined Authority £9,254.00

Bank accounts

Community Account £41,976.95

Business Tracker Account £21,643.05

11. Affordable housing update – there has been a site meeting recently via Teams. Now hoping the start date for construction is 20 September. Footpath closure has been applied for. Aspen Homes will be providing monthly updates and provide details of any road closures. WM queried whether the footpath currently through a local resident’s garden in the vicinity of the housing project should be rerouted. It was agreed that WM and JD would look into this and the costs involved.

12. Three Villages Sustainable Heat Scheme update – the project is not feasible as previously reported. Nothing further to report yet.

13. Neighbourhood Plan – The village surveys will go out next week. The group have received a £7000 grant from the government to assist with the work that needs to be done.

14. Reports from:

a. Village Hall Committee –. Stage 3 of the roof repairs will shortly be completed. All clubs have started.

b. Playing Field Committee – the new play equipment has been installed and good feedback has been received.

c. Neighbourhood Watch – no report.

d. Speed Watch – DM may have some interested people

e. Friendship Club – the new group will meet once per month and is now called the Village Hub.

15. Parish Matters - DM recorded thanks to Peter Moore for his help with the fencing at Piglets.

BJ wished to record his thanks to the farming community for cutting the verges. The PC is very grateful. BJ also mentioned that a new tree warden had been appointed. He will be asked by the PC to comment on any trees that need work and to report back to the PC. There is a Birch tree near tennis court that needs to be staked. We had also received a letter from the local MP asking the PC to nominate someone in the community for a Covid Recognition award. Nominations to the clerk. HG raised footpath at 71 Beachampstead. This will be looked at by the new engineer when she visits. NY wanted to convey her thanks to Margert Sare who has stepped down as a trustee of the playing field committee after many years of service. Thanks from the PC for all her help.

16. Next meeting – 11 November

Meeting closed 9.43pm

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