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Parish Council Minutes 11.11.21

Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council meeting

held on 11 November 2021 – 7.30pm


R Jewell (BJ) H Glanville (HG) G Brittain (GB)

N Yates (NY) L Goody (LG) W Mumford (WM)

David Moore (DM) Andrea Gilbert (AG) James Duberly (JD)

Jo Russel (Clerk). Ian Gardener (IG)

1. Apologies for absence - n/a

2. Declarations of interest - none

3. Resident’s Forum - a number of Dillington residents attended to raise the issue speeding vehicles in the area. They believe that the road is being used as a cut through from Cage Lane up to the prison. The speed limit is 30mph but vehicles are travelling much faster which is dangerous to other cars, pedestrians and cyclists. They wanted to know if anything could be done to change the speed limit to 20mph and also have a footpath down to the village. IG has already met with the highways engineer and he has indicated that he is not averse to a 20mph speed limit and it may be possible to put an Access Only sign up at the crossroads. The engineer hopes to be able to get back to IG in the new year with his further thoughts. He is less keen on changing the speed limit on the road down to the village to 50mph but again he will come back with costings in the new year. In relation to the footpath idea this is likely to cost in the region of £100k and is simply not feasible. There are likely to be services running underneath where a potential footpath could run and this will be extremely expensive to resolve. IG indicated that it may be possible to submit a LHi Bid for the 20mph speed limit proposal. He also noted that the 30mph speed limit sign in Cage Lane was missing so he will request that is replaced. In the meantime, the clerk shall write to the prison asking them to refrain from using the road in question.

A second resident also attended the meeting to talk about footpath number 3. He believes that this has been rerouted incorrectly. He said that the footpath had always been across the field and now it had been rerouted by the side of the field, which was flooded in winter and unusable. The PC had looked at the Definitive Map issued by CCC and this clearly showed that the footpath was now in the correct position. There was no further action to be taken.

The resident then went on to raise the issue of parking in Lauras Close again. He said that parking on The Highway was getting much worse in all likelihood down to the doctors surgery increasing the number of patients. The PC explained that CCC were against extending the yellow lines or to extend the laybys. It was agreed that the clerk should write to the surgery to reiterate that there was alternative parking at the playing field and village hall car parks.

4. Reports from District and County Councillors – IG reported that regarding 5 Acres the CCC planning officer in the Enforcement Team was drafting a response to the Pre-Application advice re the waste issue but this could take some time. The other issues are being dealt with now by the HDC Planning Dept. IG also requested that DM keep the data from the speed signs as they may be required at a later date for an LHI Bid, for example. IG also confirmed that the gullies on Moor Road would be cleared by next week. Cage Lane drains have been cleared.

5. Minutes of the meeting held on 9 September 2021 – approved.

6. Matters arising:

a. Green Close potholes – these have not been filled yet – BJ will send photos to IG and he will chase. The Beachampstead road pothole has been filled.

b. Replacement of village streetlights – CIL payment has now been received.

c. Tree in Moory Croft – Highways have confirmed that it will be removed before the winter. BJ will chase.

d. Bus services – remove from agenda

e. Blocked footpath near 5 Acres Salvage yard – IG has chased James Stringer the new footpath officer. He will ask James to visit the area.

f. GS website/Life magazine – the new website is now in place –

The quarterly Life magazine will be published next month and there is lots of content.

7. Attendance at other meetings – BJ attended Climate Change in Action meeting run by CCC to discuss how they were meeting their objective of carbon net zero by 2050. WM attended a meeting with the Police and Crime Commissioner who is keen on rural matters. He wants to reduce speeding on the roads which killed 60 people in Cambs last year.

8. Highways

a. LHI bid 21/22 –.the bid for the halos has now been submitted. IG will ask if the posts can also be painted.

b. Blocked drains – IG chased and matter now completed

c. Humps on Dillington road – remove from agenda

d. Speed limits Dillington – clerk will write to the prison and we will await the outcome of the Highway engineer’s costings

e. Footpath works – IG will visit the area with the new Highways engineer. He will also ask for the footpath near the school on The Causeway to be looked at as a matter of urgency due to the fact that people have fallen over whilst walking in that area. The clerk will send the photos to him.

f. Blocked public highway Perry – clerk will email James Stringer and copy IG.

g. Motorbikes – PCSO will be asked to attend the next meeting.

h. Bollards Green Close – vehicles are using this again - we need further details from the resident who reported this issue before we can raise with the owner of the vehicle/s.

i. Rerouting of footpath near new housing development – WM and JD – an alternative footpath route needs to be found before this issue can be taken any further.

j. Street naming The Town – this was raised by a resident. The addresses are shown as Little Staughton on the database but the residents believe that they live in The Town. This is causing confusion with delivery drivers. Clerk will write to HDC asking them to resolve the issue.

k. Parking issue The Highway – there is no new evidence since CCC considered this matter previously. They were against yellow lines and extending the laybys. It is simply too expensive. Clerk will again write to the surgery to suggest the other car parks in the village.

9. Planning

a. Staughton Moor planning enforcement – PC agree to publish the monthly update to be provided by the enforcement officers and comment on any issues that may be noted in those updates. These are very slow and we are having to chase for them.

b. Chestnut nursery site – we have had a report from the estates manager who is investigating the matter – no further action necessary.

c. 21/01016/FUL – Little America, Moor Road – 8 business units – objections have been sent to HDC.

d. A query has been raised as to whether vehicles being marketed for sale on the verge at GSN Conservatories would require specific planning consent. We are still awaiting a response from HDC Enforcement but no further action necessary.

e. Wyboston Garden Village – IG said that HDC have raised concerns about this proposed development. The PC will formally lodge their concerns with HDC and notify HWPC accordingly.

f. 21/02184/LBC – 1 The Green replace windows – no comments/objections

g. 21/02333/FUL – Land near The Tavern – no objections/comments

h. 21/02080/LBC the Old Vicarage – no comments/objections

i. 21/02190/HHFUL – 45 Beachampstead – no comment/objections

10. Cashbook – reviewed and approved.

Expenditure. £

Online Designs. 40.00

Business Printing Co. 43.00

Bradgate. 235.20

Phil Yates. 134.25

CAS Ltd 851.20

Red Shoes 45.00

J Duberly 10.00

Wicksteed 29,716.08

J Russel 323.94

Eyelid Productions. 20.00

Online Designs. 40.00

PKF Littlejohn 360.00

Element Energy 10,305.90

Bradgate 235.20

Ibbetts 549.00

J Russel 323.94


Neighbourhood Plan grant - £7225.00

Piglets rent - £1500.00

VAT reclaim - £2243.00

GSCLT reimbursement - £817.96

Cil grant for streetlights £1072.50

Reimbursement from Village Hall for roof repairs £5994.00

Bank accounts

Community Account £17507.29

Business Tracker Account £ 21643.59

11. Budget - this was circulated to the councillors prior to the meeting. It was agreed that the Precept for 22/23 would be set at £22,000, which is the same figure as last financial year. The Clerk will inform HDC.

12. Correspondence

Already discussed at the Residents’ Forum

13. Affordable housing update – BJ reported that the site had now been cleared. The Pre-Planning approval regarding drainage had not been given yet. HDC has been chased but the planner is on holiday at present. This could delay the project. BJ will provide IG with details.

14. Platinum Jubilee – it was agreed that it would be appropriate for the village to mark the occasion. The tree wardens have planted some oak trees on the playing field and it was suggested that a plaque could be attached to one of the trees. The Playing Field committee will discuss this further next week.

15. Three Villages Sustainable Heat Scheme update – HG reported that the group had met with Cheryl French and that another meeting is planned in two weeks time.

16. Neighbourhood Plan – 35% of the surveys have now been returned. There is another meeting scheduled in March 2022 to discuss the results.

17. Reports from:

a. Village Hall Committee –. The roof repairs are now complete

b. Playing Field Committee – the AGM in next week.

c. Neighbourhood Watch – no report.

d. Speed Watch – DM is collating all the data and he will send it to the police. He now has 5 people who wish to do the Speedwatch training course.

e. Village Hub – the first meeting is due to take place next Friday.

18. Parish Matters - HG reported that commercial vehicles have been blocking the pavement in Beachhamstead. Not sure what action can be taken though. WM wanted to convey his thanks to the village for making the Halloween celebrations so special this year which was great for the children.

19. Next meeting – 27 January, 31 March, Parish Assembly 28 April, AGM 12 May, 30 June, 8 September, 10 November

Meeting closed 9.45pm

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