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Parish Council Minutes 19.09.19

Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council

Meeting held on 19 September 2019 – 7.30pm in the Village Pavilion


R Jewell (BJ) D Moore (DM) A Gilbert (AG) Ian Gardener (IG)

  1. Residents’ Forum – no one attended.

  2. Minutes of the meeting held on 4 July 2019– The minutes were agreed as a true record and signed by

the Chairman.

  1. Matters arising: Ditches – c/f

Timebank – clerk to check with Perry PC to see whether they wish to participate in the grant application and scheme. IG said that the next meeting date for Perry was 23 October.

Green Close potholes – DM met with Joseph Hudson at CCC to look at these. Anglian Water need to repair the water cover in the pavement. Smith’s Yard is on the CCC radar but there are simply not enough funds at present, but it is on his list as a priority to fix as soon as funds become available. JB reported that it is Open Reach who are responsible not Anglian Water, who have simply put a cone over the cover as a safety measure. It is due to be replaced in the next week or so, but the clerk will look into this it is isn’t.

Ridge and Furrow fields – DT is looking into this issue for the PC. Red House Hedge – this is still an issue and NY will be asked to speak to the owners again.

Dog on Leads signs – signs have not been put up yet but HDC have confirmed that they will place on the lampposts.

Grass cutting – referred to the Playing Field committee meeting on 10 October.

Footpaths – these have now been cut.

  1. Report from District/County Councillors – IG – the new 150 Dews Bus service is working well. It may well be stopping near Kimbolton Surgery and IG will keep the PC informed. CCC are advertising free NHS Health checks via their website. There is a new scheme coming into force shortly to stop commercial vehicles using the tips. Users will need to register for an e permit via the CCC website. If you have a trailer longer than 1.5m then you will need a permit. The Rights of Way officer has notified GS of the reorganisation of footpaths, which is what the PC had been asking for some time. IG confirmed that he will the PC know which parts of the footpaths CCC are responsible for cutting.

  2. Attendance at other meetings – nothing to report

  3. Planning – Applications: 19/01609/FUL – Land adjacent The Tavern, Great Staughton – two dwelling each 2 bedrooms – a resident had objected to this application on the basis of it causing parking problems. The PC agreed that they would not object to the application if there was a condition that all of the 5 proposed parking spaces were made available. This was essential.

J Russel (JR) (clerk). 1. Apologies for absence – Nicole Yates (NY)

H Glanville (HG). L Goody (LG) J Bowen (JB)

G Brittain (GB) W Mumford (WM)

  1. Hedges – Little Thatch – the hedge has now been cut. Footpath – DM previously reported that there had been a complaint regarding herbicide being sprayed on the footpath, CCC have confirmed that there is nothing in the legislation to prevent this. Car parking charges – new parking fees have been introduced in St Neots and this has already had an impact on footfall. The new machines are also very confusing to use which was very concerning to the PC. It was agreed that DT would be contacted so that he could provide clarification as to charges and ease of use.

  2. Correspondence –

Letter received from a resident of Green Close regarding a Crab apple tree – it was agreed that David Hoenig would prune some branches, as necessary. The tree is not to be taken down.


Bradgate – grass cutting CCC – Public path Order HDC – Town Planning Forum PKF Littlejohn – Audit


Ashley Smith – 19/00452/PIP Bradgate – grass cutting M Askew – Planning application The Tavern D Tysoe and HDC – ridge and furrow field J. Hudson – Footpath – herbicide use HWPC – Timebank

10. Cashbook, Cheques in and out –

Income: £0

Expenditure: – £10,491.45

David Hoenig – £138.00 Clerk salary – £503.34 Bradgate – £235.20 Bradgate – £235.20 EON – £829.83

David Hoenig – £214.00 Bradgate – £352.80 CCC – £5116.90 CCC – £2250.00

Clerk Salary £616.18

Balance in Community Account

Balance in Tracker Account.



Cashbook was reviewed and approved. Clerk will invoice Piglets for the rent – £1500 – due 1 October 2019. Also, PC grants need to be paid -£50 St Neots museum, Church £400, Life Magazine £600, Playing Field £2000

11. Affordable Housing – the valuation has been submitted to Chorus and hopefully now Heads of Terms can be agreed then a planning application will be submitted. The CLT AGM is next week. The Parish Council has expended the legal and other costs for the CLT incurred so far. The CLT has obtained a grant which it is hoped will be received shortly and it is hoped that this will enable the CLT to compensate the Parish Council for its expenditure.

12. Report from: Village Hall Committee – still trying to obtain quotes for the damp proofing works. Playing Field Committee – Gala Day and Quiz raised £1377 which means £2662 has been raised so far for the new equipment. The skate ramp has been removed due to it being in an unsafe condition. Many thanks to Will Mumford and all those who helped dismantle it. The metal frame is being stored as a local resident had previously expressed an interest in raising funds to have it restored. Mervyn Young has resigned as a trustee

and many thanks to him for his service over the years. Please can any other person interested in being a trustee come forward. Neighbourhood Watch – no report Speed Watch – DM is pleased to report that he has a new volunteer.

13. Parish Matters – DM – we may need more signage on the playing field to prevent people walking their dogs on the field. GB reported that the footpath outside 71 Beachampstead had not been properly reinstated. The Clerk will report this to Building Control. The area around the play equipment also looked untidy and unkempt so BJ suggested the playing field committee look at the area prior to the next meeting on 10 October. AG reported that the pavement had sunk outside 19 Beachampstead. She will provide the clerk with photos so she can report to CCC. WM suggested David Hoenig be asked to cut the village hall car park hedges on a yearly basis. Clerk will contact him.

Meeting closed at 20.45pm.

Dates of meetings for 2019: 21 November.



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