Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council
Meeting held on 21st March 2019 – 7.30pm in the Village Pavilion
Present: R Jewell (BJ) H Glanville (HG) G Brittain (GB) D Moore (DM) A Gilbert (AG) J Bowen (JB) W Mumford (WM) L Goody (LG)
Ian Gardener (IG) J Russel (JR) (clerk).
Residents – T Stokes (TS) I Taylor (IT)
1. Apologies for absence – Darren Tysoe (DT) N Yates (NY)
2. Residents’ Forum Tracey Stokes and Ian Taylor presented information regarding the 3 Shires Security Scheme and Blueline Security. Essentially, there have been a number of burglaries in Kimbolton and Stonely and they have been trialling Blueline Security patrols. TS and IT attended a meeting organised by 3 Shires Security Scheme to discuss the possibly of the Blueline Scheme being extended to other villages. TS therefore asked for the matter to added to the agenda for this meeting. It was felt that the A1/A14 night closures had diverted traffic through the B645 and therefore criminals had noticed desirable properties in the area and there had been an increase in crime. Blueline undertook a free three-week trial in Kimbolton and Stonely. Their staff are ex police and ex forces personnel and they have a good relationship with the local PCSO. A number is given to residents and they attend incidents with dogs. IG informed the meeting that Richard Braddick PCSO had set up a separate scheme this week with local people who patrol in pairs and are given a direct link to the police if there are any incidents of a criminal nature. Full training is given by the police. One concern expressed was that we should be addressing the police regarding any potential criminal incidents and if a private security firm was used the police may not respond when required. TS advised that Blueline was more of a deterrent as the police were simply unable to respond to every incident due to lack of manpower. The police would only attend if there was a burglary in process. TS requested that the item by discussed at the Parish Assembly on 2 May and it was agreed that the item would be placed on the agenda. BJ advised that TS could advertise the scheme in Life and on the GSPC website. TS further advised that the scheme could be paid for by the precept however that could mean doubling the precept.
3. Minutes of the meeting held on 24 January 2019– The minutes were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
4. Declarations of interest – BJ declared an interest in planning application – 19/00103HHFUL – 10a The Highway – PV solar system
5. Matters arising:
Ditches – some work has been carried out but there is a part near Avery Hill that still needs some work. WM will look into this.
Missing County sign – this has now been repaired at long last.
Time bank – BJ is attending a session run by CCC which will advise how to complete the grant application and then submit another application with the assistance of HW and Perry PC.
Green Lane potholes – DM has photographed these and has submitted to CCC.
Speed limits in The Town – to be discussed at the Parish Assembly.
Broken Fence Beachampstead Road – JB will speak to David Hoenig again and he will fix this.
Bollards Green Close – JB has emailed the Horticultural Society to see if they can help with the planters.
Vacancies on Neighbourhood Watch committees – WM will look into this.
Little Staughton air field solar project grant – we have received the amended Deed of Community Benefit which will now be executed and sent back to the solicitors.
Footpath outside the church – this was reported to CCC by the clerk who received an email back from CCC to say the footpath was not in a bad enough state to be repaired. IG advised that he ask the highways manager to look into this.
Ridge and Furrow fields – we still await a response from HDC to our enquiry.
Streetlight outside school – the school have agreed to fix this.
Blueline security – no other points were discussed other than those above and it will be discussed more fully at the Parish Assembly. 3 Shires/Blueline will be asked to talk at the assembly.
6. Attendance at other meetings – HG attended the Mobility and Energy Seminar on 5 March.
7. Planning – Applications: 19/00343HHFUL – Crown Cottage – single storey extension – no comments/objections 19/00103HHFUL – 10a The Highway – PV solar system – no comments/objections Land West Of 69 The Highway Great Staughton (ref 18/02095/FUL) – the same objections will be raised by the Parish Council as per their letter of 18 November 2018.
8. Highways – LHI bids need to be submitted in July 2019 and a decision is made by CCC in December 2019. Potential bids can be discussed at the Parish Assembly. Parking in Beachampstead Road – BJ has spoken to the resident.
9. Report from District/County Councillors – IG reported that bus services will be protected whilst the bus service review continues. It is proposed that the Combined Authority runs the bus services and they will be contacting Parish Councils to discuss requirements. The East/West rail route that is being supported by CCC is Route A which is via Sandy. IG also mentioned the Repaint Scheme. This is collected at St Neots recycling. IG will also contact Sheryl French, who is speaking at the Parish Assembly, to see if she can provide any information in advance of the meeting.
10. Correspondence – SENT Ray May – Lauras Close Roy Amner – Little Staughton Solar Farm Lisa Jablonska HDC – Lauras Close complaint Play Safety – inspection of playing field GS Primary School – streetlight repair Norman Hardy – tree wardens
RECEIVED Ray May – Lauras Close Roy Amner – Little Staughton Solar Farm CCC – streetlights HDC – Precept 2019 Innovate and Cultivate Fund – grant application R.Braddick PCSO – Lauras Close Norman Hardy – tree wardens GS Primary school – street light repair
11. Cashbook, Cheques in and out –
Income: £ – 0
Expenditure: – £609.14 Clerk Jan Salary – £245.38 Clerk Feb Salary – £245.18 Nicole Yates – litter pick equipment – £69.50 Clerk – defibrillator pads – £49.08
Balance in Community Account £4347.69 Balance in Tracker Account. £18,506.81
Cashbook was reviewed and approved.
12. Affordable Housing – RJ provided an update. It is hoped the leases will be signed before the Parish Assembly. A meeting between the legal representatives has been proposed to iron out any outstanding issues.
13. Report from: Village Hall Committee – HG reported lots of bookings. May have an issue with rising damp. Defibrillator pads have been replaced. Playing Field Committee – Gala Day will be on 6 July. Piglets have increased their usage of the pavilion. Neighbourhood Watch – no report Speed Watch – DM reported that Speedwatch can run a training course here or in Cambourne.
14. Parish Matters – DM reported that a drain was flooded, and he will report this. The PC also wanted to record their thanks to NY and WM and everyone who took part in the litter pick, which was very successful. It was well attended.
Meeting closed at 9.15pm.
Dates of meetings for 2019:
Parish Assembly 2 May, AGM 16 May, 4 July, 19 September, 21 November.