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Parish Council Minutes 27.01.22

Minutes of the Great Staughton Parish Council meeting

held on 27 January 2022 – 7.30pm


R Jewell (BJ) W Mumford (WM)

N Yates (NY) L Goody (LG)

Andrea Gilbert (AG) James Duberly (JD)

Jo Russel (Clerk). Ian Gardener (IG)

1. Apologies for absence - Giles Brittain, David Moore, Helen Glanville

2. Declarations of interest – Dillington tree planning application - JD

3. Resident’s Forum -

A resident from the cottages at The Green attended as he was concerned about land drainage at the new development. There is an 8-inch drainpipe only 18 metres from the cottages which flows into a ditch which he believes is inadequate to take a large amount of storm water. He is concerned that the cottages will flood in wet weather. The resident has emailed HDC to register his concerns. AW have confirmed though via the planning portal that the water can be discharged into that ditch. HDC need to respond to the resident’s query.

Mark Middleton also attended regarding planning application 21/02608/CLED. They have applied for a certificate of lawful use. They say that they are exempt from enforcement action as they have been operating for long enough. MM alleges that the have not been doing what they are saying they have for the last 10 years. He has evidence of this. BJ explained that HDC are not looking for comments from the Parish Council they need factual information to prove or disprove the statement that it has been used for ten years continually as they say. Documentary evidence complied by MM was circulated to the PC and the PC can ask HDC questions about this evidence.

A new resident from Cage Lane also attended the meeting. He indicated that he would like to help on the playing field committee.

4. Reports from District and County Councillors – IG said he had spoken to Deborah Jeakins at CCC regarding Staughton Moor pre action advice. The application is unlikely to be supported by planning officers. No planning application has been submitted yet. Regarding the traffic issues in Dillington there have been some suggestions from Highways to reduce vehicle use. One option is to install MVAS signs – the suggestion is to have three posts and a pedestrian sign. The highways officer is not sure the road qualifies for a 20mph speed limit. IG advised that we could put in a LHI bid for a 20mph limit to see what CCC say on the issue. Regarding the 50mph speed limit at crossroad we would need a speed survey which costs £700 and traffic management which would cost £1500. BJ said that we need to speak to the Dillington residents and also clarify and refine the information received from CCC. BJ will speak to the highways officer and meet the residents with IG.

Footpath 40 – enforcement on the Moor. A new officer is being appointed in mid-February.

Moor Road Gulley – this has now been repaired.

Green Close - is on a 3-month repair program

The root cutting contractor has been chased

Meeting with Highways Officer on 21 February – BJ will join the meeting

The pedestrian crossing poles will be painted in Spring.

5. Minutes of the meeting held on 11 November 2021 – approved.

6. Matters arising:

a. Green Close potholes – will be repaired in the next 3 months

b. Tree in Moory Croft – ask Highways to replace this tree

c. Pavilion Repairs – PC are happy for NY to make a CIL application and to spend £5020.44 plus VAT

d. Blocked footpath near 5 Acres Salvage yard – see above

7. Attendance at other meetings – BJ attended CCC Local Council Conference via Zoom. There is a Household Support Fund which people can apply to assist with bills etc.

8. Highways

a. LHI bid 21/22 – still waiting to hear about this application

b. Blocked drains – IG chased and matter now completed. The Green/Highway drain is still blocked though and will be reported

c. Speed limits Dillington – see above

d. Footpath works – IG will visit the area with the new Highways engineer and BJ on 21 February

e. Blocked public highway Perry – clerk has emailed CCC and copied IG.

f. Motorbikes – PCSO will be asked to attend the next meeting.

g. Rerouting of footpath near new housing development – WM and JD – an alternative footpath route needs to be found before this issue can be taken any further.

9. Planning

a. Staughton Moor planning enforcement – monthly updates from HDC/CCC

b. 21/01016/FUL – Little America, Moor Road – 8 business units – objections have been sent to HDC.

c. Wyboston Garden Village – HWPC say that this application will not be looked at until April/May 2022

d. 12/02757/TREE - Dillington Farm - no objections

e. 21/02698/CLED – GSPC will ask HDC if there has been ten years continuous use and refer them to the evidence compiled by MM.

10. Cashbook – reviewed and approved.

Expenditure. £

Nicola Hageman 180.00

Nicola Hageman 90.00

Business Printing Co 383.00

Online Design 40.00

Phil Yates 91.50

Alderman Roofing Limited. 9,354.00

Cambs ACRE 1,500.00

Bradgate 235.20

Online Design 400.00

Janet Hall 400.00

J Russel 451.97

Phil Yates 36.00

Janet Hall 496.88

Online Designs 600.00

Eon 693.65

Bradgate 117.60

David Hoenig 60.00

Cathy Jewell 85.00

Cambs ACRE 1,500.00

GS PCC 400.00

St Neots Museum 50.00

J Russel 444.57


Red shoes 45.00


GS Village Hall 802.00

HMRC 14,181.08

GS playing Field Committee 9,814.84

GS Village Hall 999.00

Bank accounts

Community Account £25,732.44

Business Tracker Account £ 21,644.13

11. Correspondence - see above residents’ forum

12. Affordable housing update – BJ reported that the road is now being constructed. The developer does however have labour and materials issues. The telephone cables have been re-routed. There is slippage on the completion date due to labour issues etc. Regarding the drainage issue Anglian Water’s original response at the planning stage is on the HDC website.

13. Platinum Jubilee – We need to form a committee to deal with this event. It will be sometime over the weekend of 4 June. One idea is a Picnic in the Park event.

14. Three Villages Sustainable Heat Scheme update – Hail Weston have indicated that they may want to be involved in any project going forward. A meeting between the villages and CCC is being proposed. Looking at the possibility of bulk buying ground/air source heat pumps. But there are currently supply and installation issues.

15. Neighbourhood Plan – There is a meeting on 10 March to look at all of the responses to the Surveys. The meeting will be in the village hall. We need a conservation area character assessment from HDC so people know what they can and cannot do.

16. Reports from:

a. Village Hall Committee –. No report

b. Playing Field Committee – problems with the heating. The heating engineer has been asked to look at this. The see-saw has been taken away for repair. We need to discuss moving the oak trees with the tree wardens.

c. Neighbourhood Watch – no report.

d. Speed Watch – no report

e. Village Hub – meetings have commenced. It is hoped more people will attend as the weeks go on.

17. Parish Matters - NY reported that HDC will support the litter pick. Agreed that we can buy some equipment. BJ reminded all councillors to return their nomination forms if they wish to stand again. He will put an advert in Life for new councillors.

18. Next meeting – 31 March, Parish Assembly 28 April, AGM 19 May, 30 June, 8 September, 10 November

Meeting closed 21.36

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