Minutes of Great Staughton Playing Field Committee Meeting
Held on 25 June 2020
Zoom meeting 7.30pm
Nicole Yates (Chair) Janet Bowen David Moore. Giles Brittain
Bob Jewell Will Mumford Emma Mumford. Frank Backhouse
Jo Russel (clerk) Margaret Sare
1. Apologies: Liz Wetzel, James Duberly
2. Approval of Minutes of the meeting held on 9 January 2020
The minutes of the meeting were approved.
3. Matters arising:
Skate park repairs –WM will advertise on eBay or Facebook once lockdown restrictions permit. If no one wants to buy he will offer it for free.
Cricket nets – DM reported that this has been completed.
List of the fallen memorial – the pavilion is the designated war memorial. BJ and AW are compiling a list and will investigate a new plaque.
Play equipment update – NY has made an application to the CCC grant funding scheme for which Ian Gardener has approved our expression of interest. The application will be around £10k. NY will obtain further quotes from Wicksteed once their employee returns from furlough. She said she may approach the Parish Charities. The Golf Society has been wound up and they have very kindly donated £286.36 for which we are very grateful. This will be put towards the new play equipment. It is hoped we can raise enough money for the swings, see-saw, slide and a zip-line.
4. Treasurer’s Report – GB circulated the accounts before the meeting. Income is slightly down on last year and expenditure is up on last year as the cleaning is taking place more regularly. We now however received the grant of £10k so at the time of this meeting the bank balance is around £13k.
5. Reports from Clubs & Users
Horticultural Society: – nothing to report
Tennis Club: – no report.
School: – no report.
Girl Guides: – do not know when they will be able to start their meetings again but they are having Zoom meetings.
Piglets: – no report as closed due to lockdown
6. Operational matters: BJ reported that brown tail moth is in the hedges around the playing field again. The situation will be closely monitored.
Play equipment – this will be reopened with notices with how to use the equipment safely. We have to rely on users to use their common sense. HDC have issued guidance which will help.
7. Correspondence: nothing to report
Dates of next meetings – AGM 8 October
Meeting concluded 8.05 pm