Minutes of Great Staughton Playing Field Committee Meeting
held on 9 January 2020
Village Pavilion 7.30pm
Nicole Yates (Chair) Janet Bowen
Bob Jewell Will Mumford
Jo Russel (clerk)
1 Apologies: Margaret Sare
2. Approval of Minutes of the meeting held on 10 October 2019
The minutes of the meeting were approved and duly signed as a true record by NY.
3. Matters arising:
Skate park repairs – NY has spoken to Tony Housego and he has confirmed that he is unable to raise funds to repair the skatepark. The person who quoted for the repair has informed NY that the metal frame is not any good as he believes that it was not put together correctly in the first place. We will therefore sell for scarp or dispose of if no one wants to buy it. WM will advertise on eBay or Facebook. If no one wants to buy he will offer it for free.
Yewtree – NY will look into this again in the Spring.
Grass cutting – NY drafted a document for review. A one-year contract is normal. We need the grass cut 12 times per year and ideally, we need the weeds spraying too. We have also asked the contractor to quote for the work that the village handyman would usually do, as of today we have no one to replace Mr Harrison. Tender closes on 7.2.20 at noon.
Manhole cover – this has now been repaired.
Cricket nets – DM was going to look into this issue. Not known if this has been completed yet.
4. Treasurer’s Report – no report
5. Reports from Clubs & Users
Horticultural Society: – plant sale will be on 23 May 2020
Tennis Club: – no report.
School: – no report.
Girl Guides: – no report.
Piglets: – no report
6. Operational matters: a cap has been removed from the multi play unit and NY has emailed Wicksteed for a replacement.
7. Correspondence: nothing to report
Dates of next meetings – 25 June, AGM 8 October
Meeting concluded 8.02 pm