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The Neighbourhood Plan for Great Staughton Pre-Submission Consultation


The consultation runs from 20th September 2023 to 2nd November 2023

Comments must be received by 5pm on 2nd November 2023.

A neighbourhood plan is a document containing planning policies which will be used by Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC) when planning applications are being considered in Great Staughton.

The current version of the Great Staughton neighbourhood plan, known as the Pre-submission Version (Regulation 14), has been prepared by the Great Staughton neighbourhood plan group, a group of people comprising residents and parish councillors. We are now consulting the local community and other stakeholders about its proposals for 6 weeks.

This is your chance to contribute to the Neighbourhood Plan at this crucial consultation stage.

Include here Neighbourhood Plan; Summary of the Neighbourhood Plan; Sites Assessment and Analysis; Great Staughton Landscape and Townscape Assessment; Views and Vistas; Non – Designated Heritage Assets; DSER; Planning Policy Context Report; SEA/HRA Scoping Report if available from HDC.

  • Paper copies of the plan are available on request from the Parish Clerk or Parish Chairman (see details below).

  • A copy of the Neighbourhood Plan for viewing and response forms will be available at the Village Hall, Church, and Doctor’s Surgery.

In addition, you can come along to the DROP IN events that the steering group are holding at the Pavilion on the Playing Field on Thursday 28th September from 3pm to 4pm and in the Village Hall on Saturday 30th September 11am - 1pm.

Anybody is free to make comments. If you are to make any comments, you must submit your comments on or before 5pm on 2nd November 2023. Comments must be in writing as follows:

  • Completing a response form

  • Sending an email to:

  • Return any completed paper forms to Parish Chairman at 10A The Highway, Great Staughton or Great Staughton Parish Clerk, 2 Hatchet Lane Stonely, St. Neots, PE19 5EG.

Once the consultation period ends, all comments received will be considered by the Parish Council before submitting the plan to Huntingdonshire District Council.

Paper copies of the plan and response forms are available on request from:

The Clerk at 2 Hatchet Lane Stonely, St Neots, PE19 5EG or the Chair 10A The Highway, Great Staughton, PE19 5DA.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a formal stage of consultation on the neighbourhood plan before it is submitted to Huntingdonshire District Council. We are unable to process anonymous comments. Comments received will be reported in a consultation statement which will be submitted alongside the plan. If you are responding on the behalf of an organisation, your name and organisation will appear too. The consultation statement will be made public.

On submission of the neighbourhood plan, Great Staughton Council is required to share contact details of consultees (those that have commented at this pre-submission stage) with Huntingdonshire District Council so that they can discharge their legal duties in relation to publicising the submission of the plan, in accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended).

By submitting a consultation response at this stage, you authorise Great Staughton Parish Council to legally collect and share your data in this manner.



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